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Charon (KAIR-on)

The Stygian Boatman

Charon, Occasionally spelled as "Kharon", Is the most well known ferryman of the underworld, Navigating the river, Styx. He lives out of his shop and boating company near the river, Usually spending most of his time peddling wares and transporting shades.   A being as old as the realm itself, Nobody quite knows how he came to be. Some say it was like Ahriman, A primordial that just formed into existence at some point. Others believe that he was created when the Realm of Hades was formed, For the sole purpose of existing in that realm. Even Lord Hades doesn't know what or how he is, If someone out there does, They're not saying much.   Be wary of this being, For he is immensely powerful. Rumor has it that he once beat Lord Hades in a one on one fight, Though Hades claims this is not true, And that the fight never happened. Luckily, He will never pick a fight with anyone unless they wrong him in some way, Usually via stealing his goods or not paying him for services. The man's life and entire being is a mystery, To the point that it is difficult to write anything more. Most people in Hades have just accepted that he's there and just don't question it anymore, Even the higher-ups.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Charon's body type is very much zombified in nature, Appearing as a walking corpse. Most people are surprised he can even retain motor function.

Apparel & Accessories

Charon is most often seen wearing a large cloak with gold accents, Even using some of his own currency as an accessory. That combined with his gold rings, bracers and large brimed hat, It is very easy to tell it's him from far away. He does also wear gold shin guards and sandals, But they're usually covered by the cloak anyway so it's not really noticable.

Specialized Equipment

Charon's Oar is really his only special equipment (Not including his boat), It has been enchanted with ancient and forgotten magiks from a time long past. It is made from the fanciest wood you can imagine, Laced with pristine golden accents and designs.

Personality Characteristics


Charon doesn't really need a motivation, He is completely content with his work.


Social Aptitude

Charon is fairly nice and accepting, He is really chill and can be very kind at times. He is considerate of others and will usually do favors for people free of charge, Within reason.


Charon doesn't really speak with words. Instead, He will often just make zombie-esque noises as his way of communicating. He can understand every language just fine, But he either can't or doesn't speak with them. Only people that have been around the realm long enough can actually understand what he's saying, But only really important people like Hermes, Thanatos, Hades and Persephone.
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Selling Wares to Shades
Current Location
Current Residence
Stygian Express Boating Company, Hades
Wide, Glowing Purple
Wiry and Patchy, Mid-length, Almost white, Blond hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Undead White
6'0" (1.8 meters)
Known Languages
All of them, Even ones not currently in use anywhere in the universe.