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The Axtrian Pits

The Volcanic Barrens

The Axtrian Pits, Sometimes referred to as "Muspelheim" or simply "The Pits", Is one of the regions of Erethes, As well as one of the few regions to be separated from what is considered to be the "mainland". It is an island completely made up of Volcanic Rock and Lava, Only having one well known area that has fresh water.   Home to all sorts of people and unique animals, The Axtrian Pits are known for being quite dangerous of a place to live in, With its residents already evolved to beat the heat. There are many mortals that live here, But not really gods or figures relating to them. Surtr, Kagutsuchi and Fujin are the only known Gods to live here, And while Surtr isn't a god, He is heavily associated with the Aesir. There are a few gods that appear in the pits from time to time, Such as Hermes, Who frequently delivers messages to and from here.   Whether you come here in search of treasure, Fine craftsmanship, Scenic lava lakes or if you're looking for an everyday life filled with thrills, You've come to the right place.


The Axtrian Pits is an island made of volcanic rock, Shaded mountains and lots and lots of Lava. It is a small continent with ocean on every side, Though it's hard to see anything that isn't on the island, As frequent ash storms tend to block the view. While it is known for it's mountainous areas, There are a small number of areas that actually have mountains, With the majority of the island being one giant barren wasteland.


Due to the high temperatures of the area, The conventional animals found in other regions are, For the most part, Simply not present here. There are a few normal animals like bats, certain crustaceans and a few others. However, This region is home to many new forms of bacteria, micro-organisms and much larger things, Such as a lava variant of the Sarka species, Also known as the Sandworm.

Localized Phenomena

As previously stated, Ash Storms are a frequent event in The Pits, Requiring planning and pathing to avoid the brunt of the storm. This usually requires cloth masks and goggles for non-natives, To avoid choking on any ashes. Ashstorms have been known to also include extra effects from time to time, Such as lightning or flaming dust devils.   It is also known that certain cave-dwelling creatures will roam the surface for the day or so that a storm is passing by.


The climate for this area is very hot and dry, At quite literally all times. Most people that have lived here long enough don't notice it anymore, But for a first time visitor, It is unbearably hot. This has led certain shops to start selling special clothes to relieve the issue.

Natural Resources

The Axtrian Pits are home to plenty of natural ores and stones, Including Darkstone, The material that was used to build a lot of the more fancy city walls in other regions, Such as most of the buildings in Lakdrassen. The Pits are also home to an immense network of caves that house priceless crystals, But nobody ever tries to gather them due to the high amount of danger. That, And the fact that most squads sent to collect usually don't come back.


Surtr's Precipice. A giant volcano that rivals Mount Olympus in size, The King of the Fire Giants, Surtr, Resides there. It is extremely dangerous and often has many cave-dwelling creatures that reside along it.   Kagutsuchi's Forge. A large volcano that stands above Ash Valley, One of the gods of Fire, Kagutsuchi, Lives there. This is where he spends most of his time, Constantly crafting things for anyone that places an order.   Ash Valley. A stone city that is located on top of a darkstone platform hanging from four giant chains connected to the mountains around it, It is suspended over a large lava lake. It is the Capital city of the Pits and the largest populated city in the region.   E' Melenor. The Largest Elven city in the world, Left abandoned after a giant dragon, Chromia, Attacked the city and killed almost everyone in it. Now the dragon resides within the ruins of the city, Making the city it's home. Most people try to steer clear of the area nowadays.   Aeskrow Citadel. A large, gothic castle that most people also try to stay away from, The castle used to belong to an old king a few thousand years ago. It's said that a Vampire Clan has taken refuge within it's walls, Nobody knows for certain how many there are.   The Silver Crow. A large pirate ship manned by many undead crew members of varying type, Skeletons, Ghosts, Zombies, Vampires, You name it. They're nice enough and don't really do the pirate thing anymore, Usually being the main transport for some people seeking to travel to the Pits.   Apep's Coil. A large shaded mountain that is home to Apep, The Duat's resident, and also Evil, Snake god. He can normally be found wrapped around the mountain, And due to his enormous size, He can be seen from almost everywhere in the region, If he isn't swimming around instead. He won't really do anything unless provoked, So he just sits, watches and hangs out.   Urthaga Hot Springs. The only known source of fresh water in the region, These hot springs are a popular destination for foreigners and natives alike.


  • The Axtrian Pits