Cor Item in Ereza | World Anvil


Cor is a Mage-Forged spear. It was commissioned to weapon smiths in Renamos by Archon Nephele as a bridegroom gift when she married Layrd Hurly.    

Love Story

Hurly, a consummate bachelor, spent his life loving only the sea; in his mind no being could ever compare to its deep mysteries. As the Layrd Commander of the Order of the Waves, guardian of Nemel from the sea, he had his perfect life on the water.   That was until the daughter of Archon Epaphus, Evestrian ambassador, arrived at court. She was as dark and mysterious as the ocean depths, and he was enamored. For the first time in his life, when Hurley set sail his mind was on land.   Sovereign Eoghan was unnerved to see his Layrd of the Waves coming to court without being ordered to. Luckily, his consort, Siwan, noticed immediately what had sparked the change. Eoghan, ruler of a self-isolated island nation, was somewhat prepared when Hurly requested special dispensation to return from his voyage with a gift for Nephele from her homeland, and he consented.   His efforts were rewarded with Nephele's affection, and eventually with her acceptance of his proposal of marriage. It was a testament to Hurly's love for Nephele that he didn't question his fiance's request for a vial of his blood. Nephele traveled herself to Cortarmar in Renamos to commission a very specific bridegroom gift.    


Cor was crafted with water and blood from both Hurly and Nephele at its center, entwining their essence. With Hurly's Water Magic affinity of Elemental Magic, he was able to control the spear even after it left his hand. It would also return to his hand drawn by the call of blood and magic.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Location
Raw materials & Components
Mage Forged steel, water, and blood.

Cover image: by Alicyn


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