Feast of Feasts, Autumn's Waning Gibbous Moons Tradition / Ritual in Ereza | World Anvil

Feast of Feasts, Autumn's Waning Gibbous Moons

The Autumn Feast of Feasts is a full day entirely devoted to eating. It takes place during Sowing Moon (11/17). The God Celeste is associated with this holiday.   As the theme of the season is to partake in all the bounty the land has to offer, dishes are put out buffet style all throughout the day so that everyone can graze from morning into the night. Celeste, who oversees order out of wilderness including hunting and farming, was the natural association.   In most families, the day is split up among all of the members, who are old enough, and they take turns cooking for each other. Even among the wealthier, and ruling classes for that matter, who can afford to have the meals prepared for them, most family members will cook, or assist in cooking, at least one dish. The less affluent with smaller, or no, extended family, will often gather with neighbors for the celebration and may even move from house to house throughout the day.   Additionally, as Celeste is the messenger, it is a common practice to include a message of some kind with the meal- a note baked in a bun, meat pies with words adorning the crust, cookies iced with words, but it is not always so literal- in Ushann it is popular to use flower language in the table decoration, for example.   It can also be a time to showcase other assets. The more fashion conscience schedule their dish later in the day, giving themselves the opportunity to make a wardrobe change after their turn in the kitchen.

Cover image: by Alicyn


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