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Altrilt Grove

Altrilt Grove (a.k.a. The Telepathic Prince)

My name is Altrilt, and 4 years ago I woke up here in this new world. Taken in by a Guild ran Orphanage, Although, I don't get what's happening most of the time, I can pick things up quickly. The people in this land are interesting and I want to know more about them. Well while I write in my journal I hope I get to learn more. Now then I gotta find my caretakers and find out who burned down the orphanage write to you later.

A Half-elf Shifter transported from the Astral Sea, is looking for the one that destroyed his new home. Making deals to assist in getting to his new home.

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(right) Blue (left) Green
Black with Red ends
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned Brown
5ft. 7inches
153 lbs

A King's Mistake?

(In Infernal) I have to catch up on this now. Uhh, man so much has happened, so I almost died, I was scouting about, and a bunch of mean kitty cats came and attacked me. Like these things were running one wall and were attempting to eat me. I was evading them as best I could. I guess they had my scent or something. It's like they knew where I was. I tried to fight one, but I lost I should have been dead, but I woke up in this woman's shop. Mya, Myria, I don't know Sindri keeps messing her name up, and it's hard to remember. I was at the island's edge, and that person who grabbed me was fast. Almost as fast as Elier, Also, I miss my family; I know Tayin said she was heading overseas, but I don't remember where. As for that Maya, I think it sent us out after some pirates and then went to this place with Turtles, and I never thought I could hate people based on their voice; I learned something new every day, I guess.   Then when I was feeling that weird sensation again, that familiar feeling, a bunch of Lava creatures started coming and attacking the town. Zei, Surging, and Alcar had to pull some cool new moves to keep the enemies at bay. At the same time, Sindri and I provided cover fire for the town's Guards. We got everyone out, and I felt at peace with them, we reached the volcano, and when we went up, we saw/heard Maya, we saw some weird lizards nothing, too wrong, but I went to a bad place again, I just killed someone without thought. I hope Zera will understand I don't try to kill without reason. I don't try to be the first offender, and I try not to kill.   Then, we got to this crystal, and Zei and Sindri could get to work; I guess Zei and Sindri said that they had dealt with this thing before makes sense; I hope that wasn't my only way back home. Maya then showed up and talked, and then she said she wanted to experiment on me. I-I'm scared of that woman; she wanted so much death, and for what her gain? I have learned that this world has so many selfish people. They will destroy themselves if no one intervenes. I don't want to play a hero; I want to go home. Mom and Dad might be afraid, but why was I forced into the Drifting Sea? We put Maya in her place, but she escaped. I don't know where she is, and I don't personally care. We left that place, and the crystal is sadly gone for now until someone can get to it. I needed cleansing. I felt like I wanted more. I felt so detached, so I prayed. I almost was losing myself. I thought we lost Surging in that fight, and I was so relieved when I saw him back, I know he doesn't know it, but he was brave to get this far with us.   He wanted to fight some pirate, and the captain seemed to be on board; the people out here are just as aggressive as the ones back home. Kaidrone was our next destination. Along the way, Sindri was really attached to the captain. I wonder if they know each other or something.   Zhuport is where we stopped; it's a trash heap of a town compared to home. The Battle Dawn, The Keeper of the Arcane, and the Guilded Emmisaries are here. With a couple of Churches, Edum Zera's opposite the God of Death, Iluka, the Goddess of water, her people are friendly, and Zephyrine, sadly not many people there, but one that I hope can survive the war coming. We got some work, killing giant bugs, and we fought a Vampire; fun; I thank Zera for pulling me to the area; it was terrible Zei was down, and the bloodsucker was ready to take a bite out of Alcar, Sindri, and Surging. I got Zei back up, and he hindered the Vampire.   Once we jailed him, Oh yeah, Alcar's sister was in town, Olay; I hope I got you a great gift. But, I got some information that the King hasn't been present in years, so I want to see him. Alcar is a picky eater we found. I can't wait to find out more. Once we got up, the Vampire was brutally murdered; Zera, if life is as sacred as I wish to believe, then in death, do I give them the same respect? If I take a life, what should I feel about it? Justice, sorrow, or maybe nothing? I don't understand this world or its people; the King he is a vampire, but I feel nothing from his tale. He asked me what I was, and I didn't know what that meant; he said I smelled familiar. Does he know what I am? Well, nevertheless, Sindri declared war on his behalf. I guess I will do what I do best to prepare myself, to repent.

Friendly New Teachers

It's been three days since I have been on this boat. there is nothing more than teleporting and endless water. It's been a sight to behold...the first time. Tomorrow I'll have some fun once the new people come on board. The teachers have been the most fun so far, the one that is like my sister, and brother, uhh...Zei can speak to me. He's nice so far I know that I get into a lot of things but I don't like standing still. The Winged one she's so interesting being able to fly and use magic with a weapon, I wanna know how high she can fly, m-m-m-m maybe I can get wings! Yes! My new GOAL learns to fly. I love that she tries to talk to me though even though I don't understand I should probably try to learn Cooommon... It's hard learning a new language though so maybe later.   Alcar is crazy.   No, that man scares me, he's interesting but he always trying to sell people something, his potions worked only for so little. Mom said back in the day to watch for people like him and report to her if needed sadly she's missing still.   Thunder is so weird he was all strong when were getting attacked, (I think he brought the pirate to us shhhh...), He's strong though I can feel it. His magic is so flashy and sparkly, it's so cool to watch, I hope to help them out as much as I can...even though it's hard.   Dear Zera, I'm sorry I could keep those that were with us alive, I have committed 2 sins, today while trying to keep people alive, I hope you are not angry with me or my sister, don't blame her, she wants me to be better. I tried to save them but my magic only worked once I helped thunder because he took too many hits near the end of that fight. But please bless their souls, I hope I made a decent sanctuary for the deceased.


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