Adventuring Toolkits

The Adventuring Toolkits are various sets of tools players can use in their endeavors to various beneficial effects. In additional to default benefits, each of these kits have three levels of proficiency which provide increasing benefits as skill in their use advances, each of which have an associated quality set of Tools. Finally, there are a large number of Synergies with Eridani's Artisan Crafts which await discovery.

Cartographer's Tools

Novice: Create Local Maps - Improved Distance Recollection
Adept: Create Regional Maps - Identify Map Inaccuracies
Master: Create Any Size Map - Permanent Mental Map

Navigator's Tools

Novice: Enables Star-Based Navigation
Adept: Ability to Sense One's Current Heading
Master: Detect Deviation or Deception in Course/Path

Climber's Tools

Novice: Apply Benefits to Self - Climbing Bonus: +2
Adept: Assist Allies with Kits - Climbing Bonus +4
Master: Give Allies Climb Bonus - Advantage on Climbing

Thief's Tools

Novice: Pick, Disarn & Set Basic Locks & Traps - Trap DC: 12
Adept: Pick, Disarm & Set Complex Locks & Traps - Trap DC: 14
Master: Advantage Picking Locks & Disarming Traps - Trap DC: 16

Healer's Kit

Novice: Ability to Treat Major Wounds - Temp HP: Proficiency
Adept: Stabilizing Revives w/ 1 Health - Temp HP: 2x Proficiency
Master: Facilitate Magical Healing - Temp HP: 3x Proficiency

Poisoner's Kit

Novice: Craft Basic Poisons - Poison DC: 12
Adept: Craft Advanced Poisons - Poison DC: 14
Master: Craft Masterwork Poisons - Poison DC: 16

Disguise Kit

Novice: Alter Personal Appearance - Identify DC: 12
Adept: Impersonate Specific Person - Identify DC: 14
Master: Withstand Close Inspection - Identify DC: 16

Forgery Kit

Novice: Copy an Existing Document - Identify DC: 12
Adept: Alter an Existing Document - Identify DC: 14
Master: Product New Documents - Identify DC: 16