Class: Bard


The wandering minstrels and Storytellers that have returned with the stability of the Mortal Age have been enormously welcome to the historically isolated populations. Stories of the world at large are adored by nearly all inhabitants of the Civilized World, the legends and myths of faraway places giving them a new sense of possibilities. While most of these individuals are more than happy to make a fair living doing something they love, a select few find their musical talents transcend simple entertainment. These stellar musicians mix their well-trained ear and deft hands with just the slightest dip into fundamental Arcane studies to produce spectacular effects.

Bard Colleges:

  • Music has always been closely bound to Elven ways of life, even though the horrors experienced during the Dragon Age which had wiped out so many of their kind. With the newfound freedom of the Age of Mortals, the Arcane Studies have made their way to the town of Mica and the Elves of the Gleamleaf Forest. Embracing the concept of weaving song and magic together, their deeply intricate artistic performances produced some of the most incredible feats of Bardic Arts.
  • The High-Elves of Faerien'Dale, forever studying all thing magical, have developed a technique allowing them to bind will and word, allowing feats of magic through verbal eloquence. While the seemingly inexhaustible vocabularies of High-Elven Bards take naturally to these practices, those of…lesser upbringing have been known to master the art, with the right tutelage.
  • The Origins of a Glamourous Bard are unique amongst the Bardic Arts in that their special skills aren't gained through practice or technique, but rather by the blessing of a Fey-Spirit. In extremely rare circumstances, should a particularly fabulous performance by a traveling minstrel is overheard by a powerful Fey, they may be inspired enough to bless them with their touch. Whoever may be subject of these blessings typically has no understanding of where their newfound abilities stem from, outside of them appearing after a noteworthy performance.
  • While a majority of traveling storytellers focus on grandeur and embellishment for entertainment's sake, many exist who wish to use their skills to gather and spread true knowledge across Eridani. These curious individuals frequently find themselves in dangerous situations trying to prove a local rumor or investigate ruins to learn their origin, but survivors come out with well-informed chronicles. Frequently, those following this path develop a strong relationship with the closest Enquirey Athenaeums, sharing their tales in return for the more classified areas of their archives.
  • Bards of the College of Swords are called blades, and they entertain through daring feats of weapon prowess. Blades perform stunts such as sword swallowing, knife throwing and juggling, and mock combats. Though they use their weapons to entertain, they are also highly trained and skilled warriors in their own right.
  • Bards of the College of Valor are daring skalds whose tales keep alive the memory of the great heroes of the past, and thereby inspire a new generation of heroes. These bards gather in mead halls or around great bonfires to sing the deeds of the mighty, both past and present.
  • Many members of the various smuggling and thieving groups across the civilized world have come to see the benefit of being so interwoven to the opinions and knowledge of various locals. These shady spinsters worm their way into various social groups or even adventuring parties to learn what secretes they can gain or rumors they can spread to benefit their ends.