Class: Blood Hunter


The roots of Blood Hunter practices stem from Seton some time during the Lost Ages, an era before the Ice Age when monsters and demons reigned. Legend says the Humans of ancient Seton were nearly wiped out, scattered into small tribes hiding from the horrors that stalked the period. Eventually, driven to desperation, a motley crew from a tribe lost to time defeated a powerful abyssal creature (an unequaled feat at the time) Through studying the monster, the group concocted a plan to steal the incredible power of these creatures and use it to save their homes. Thus the original Dread Wardens were founded, proceeding to strike back at the nightmares humanity had been subject to for so long. Since those days, the need for these Dark Individuals has waxed and waned; but they've returned many times to lend assistance in dire times. Most recently, the Fel Guard returned after the fall of the Great Dragon Lords when Ultari fell to chaos in the Dark Age. While their numbers have fallen off in recent decades due to the relative (and welcome) stability of the Mortal Age, the Blood Hunters are always watching.

Orders of the Blood Hunter:

  Ghost Slayer:
  • The scourge of Undeath has plagues humanity for as long as history has been recorded, and this is believed to be especially true during the Lost Age on Seton. This practice is said to be the first specialization practiced by the ancient Dread Guard in response to the massive threat of both physical and incorporeal undead.
  • Early on in the Dread Guards original days, Lycanthropy was rampant across the land and caused fear and distrust across the ancient human villages. Not content with simply slaying the afflicted individuals, the process was studied and understood by individual Blood Hunters and a technique was developed. While falling short of a cure, those cursed as a Lycan can channel the arts of the Blood Hunters to gain a measure of control over their condition. This means a majority of the practitioners of this specialization were not willing converts, however it is believed some curse themselves intentionally in an effort to master its power.
  • The most recent addition to the Blood Hunter Portfolio, those of the Mutant Order combine modern knowledge of alchemy to bolster their fighting capabilities. While the techniques are fairly new and unrefined, the effects of these concoctions cannot be argued and these Fel Guard have proved their strength many times.
  Profane Soul:
  • In the most dire of times, these stalwart defenders have been known to reach out to any entity able to lend assistance, willing to sell what little is left of their souls to prevail. In these modern, more stable times, the practice has become to be seen as extreme and a gateway for possible corruption, thus to be avoided at all costs.