Class: Cleric


The "Clerics" of Eridani are comprised of the individuals whose faith in their patron is strong enough to conduct divine magic. Those who're particularly powerful are able to channel the source of their Faith to reach the full potential of their strength. These "Domains" they access are not unique to any one Patron, as it represents the Priest's personal foundation for their belief.

The Foundational Domains of Eridani Clerics

  • To those who fall under the Arcana Domain, Faith is rooted in the existence and/or wonder of Magic.
  • Sometimes, Priests dealing closely with Death find this fundamental truth to be the core of their faith. Of all Faith Cornerstones, this Domain is the most likely to be associated with demonic beings.
  • The Forge Domain is home to those who see divinity within Mortal Ingenuity with Industry, particularly Metalcraft.
  • Those associated with the Grave Domain find the Core of their Faith typically revolves around a great loss of a loved one.
  • For some, the Knowledge, be it of a specific even or any other interpretation, can act as a strong root to their belief.
  • Life, both the presence and/or sanctuary of, is inspiration for a large number of Clerics across the world of Eridani.
  • Many believe the life-giving nature of Light is undeniable proof of the Divine, which in turns acts as their Faith's Foundation.
  • The Beauty and Wonder of nature have enraptured many Priest throughout Eridani's history and still serves as a common cornerstone of faith.
  • Due to Eridani's tumulus history, the simple concept of Order (from a Church, State, or any other) can become sacred and can inspire faith.
  • To many, the powerful Storms across Eridani are Awe Inspiring, and the faith of Clerics of this Domain is driven by this majesty.
  • While rare, it's not unheard of for an individual to find their Faith through their own wit and wiles, believing any Divines must have a sense of humor.
  • The selfless souls who find themselves within this domain are caring individuals whose beliefs are deeply attuned to their vast wells of altruism.
  • Eridani's checkered past has inspired a powerful yearning and respect for Peace, causing many Priests to fall within this Domain.
  • War, though rarely between Mortals, has been a constant through history, and these powerful causes have produced many powerful War Priests.