Class: Druid


Excluding primitive Shamans and Soothsayers unknowingly interacting with the Spirit Realm, Druidic magic was the very first practiced by Mortals on Eridani. Referred to by countless different names and titles through the Ages, the Natural Forces have always watched for those empathetic to its call. As this bond grows, these individuals find themselves becoming increasingly at-one and aware of the beauty and intricacy of the natural world. In return for their abilities and astonishing sense of attunement to the lands, Druids spend their time either defending or fostering their environment. While some Druids pursue their purpose eagerly and with fervor, their time is more often spent wandering, passively drawn to assist one place or another. Those not hailing from societies placing a strong emphasis on Nature still find their way into the world's various Druid Rings, when they're able to hear the call.

The Rings of the Druid Circles

  Lands (All except the Umbra):
  • A vast majority of Druids from the various Rings Link to a Circle of the Lands, devoted stewards and stalwart defenders of their various natural homes.From culling destructive or invasive creatures to thwarting Mortals causing the environment harm, their abilities are applied the lightest possible touch.
  Land: Umbra:
  • Due to the drastically disparate, almost alien environments within the Umbra, their Circle stands distinct and is only present in the depths of the World. For obvious reasons, the Drow are those typically linked to the Circle, but any receptive surface dweller is enthusiastically welcomed by the deep.
  • Druids of the Dream have the very specific focus of fostering both the spiritual health of Eridani's inhabitants and also the Realms of Spirit and Dream. This custodianship isn't limited to just animals, many mortals throughout the lands are in desperate need of Spiritual Assistance and these Stewards hear the call.
  • Of all the Druid groups, none is more…proactive than members of the Ring of the Moon who take it upon themselves to aggressively defend their lands from harm. From culling invasive species damaging environments, to striking out at Mortals who mean the natural world harm, these dedicated Souls are fierce foes, and powerful allies.
  • Members of the Ring of the Shepherd act as the Envoys of the natural world; attempting to add a degree of much needed diplomacy with Eridani's various Sentients. Less destructive groups of mortals who may not understand the damage they're currently or potentially imposing upon an environment are the typical focus of these emissaries. However, when diplomacy fails, these powerful hierophants are able to call upon the beasts and spirits themselves for aid in rectifying the situation in a satisfactory manner.
  • A specialized Ring exists that's unique to the mysterious Circle of the Umbra that have cultivated their practices observing the ebb and flow of their realm. These so linked have developed strange and fantastic techniques based on the Umbra's emphasis on Spores and other airborne tactics used by its inhabitants.
  • Seafaring Mortals able to hear the natural world's call are drawn by the very stars they use to navigate the various oceans and seas of Eridani. Their deep connections with the cosmos above allow them to draw upon unique wells of power from the Moon and Stars themselves. While the Narazu Humans and Hadlew Dwarves are the typical members of this Ring, the Corvin's faith drives the few receptive of their race to this Ring.
  • While natural Wildfires have always been present across Eridani throughout its history, their seemingly destructive power plays an important role in the Natural world. The benefit and recovery of these dangerous infernos that periodically raging across forests or grasslands can be dramatically improved by members of this Ring's machinations.