Class: Monk


There are multiple Monastic Priories across Eridani with various goals from providing sanctuary to acting as a warrior for the Innocent. While many practice unique, fantastic techniques; they're all based on the same foundation: Achieving Paragon, the true mastery of one's self. While a majority of the traditions practiced on Ultari are reputedly based on the teachings passed on by the ancient Lone Master Gyatzin, the unity caused by the end of the Dragon Age has revealed a healthy number of practices in use by both the Exotic Granti and the Feline Theran of Lyora.

Monastic Traditions of the Monk:

  Astral Self:
  • Legends hold that the first mortal to reach Paragon was the Lone Master Gyatzin in the Seton wilds thousands of years ago. While the first order of "Monks" formed around him, he is said to of spent a majority of his extended life deep in meditation. After centuries, Gyatzin suddenly awoke with an enormous pulse of calming energy, forming this style's trademark astral limbs. As abruptly as he awoke, the Master left into the Wilds of Seton never to be seen again. Since then, rumors have emerged of others who repeated the achievement, only to wander off as Gyatzin did so long ago. However, most dismiss these claims as urban legends spread by wandering minstrels seeking recognition. There are few supposedly confirmed instances of this technique, however there has only been one recorded message from these masters. Prior to their departure away from history, their last words seem to reference a Celestial Epiphany, usually within unintelligible communications.
  Cobalt Soul:
  • The Disciples of the Cobalt Soul represent the higher ranks of the Enquirey, an ancient organization dedicated to preserving Mortal knowledge and history. These abbots have dedicated themselves to the pursuit of knowledge and attend to the various Athenaeums located in the major cities across Ultari. Monks practicing this tradition encountered outside the Athenaeums are typically seeking information to add to the Archives to advance their status.
  • At the end of the Great Uprising, the Dragonborn lost their hopes for a glorious new start for their Race when Bhreorvog cursed their hidden egg caches. After the Dust Settled, most Dragonborn gravitated towards the single cache surviving the curse and established their new home of Narighian. Due to their nature, many had questions about their place in the Mortal World, and also the Universe at large. During the "Migration" to Narighian, a lost Dragonborn, Dras'riath, was found grievously injured by a small Abby nearby, who nursed his wounds. Post-Recovery, Dras'riath chose to spend years with the Abbots and found peace in their meditations, eventually achieving Paragon himself. Wanting to spread the peace he obtained through the Abby's teachings, Dras'riath resumed his trek to Narighian and established his own Monastic Sect. He encountered enthusiastic interest and the Sect grew quickly, eventually developing their own unique practices based on their draconic origin. While large numbers of Dragonborn have embraced this Tradition, they are more than happy to share their practices. Outside of anyone seeking enlightenment at the home of the Dragonborn, many wandering Monks have been known to take apprentices, should they be worthy.
  • The Way of the Drunken Master is less of an Established Monastic Practice, and more a dangerous, but extraordinary feat accomplished by very few. The Original Master was a Dwarven Brewer by the name of Brofrirlin Gradriax who reached Paragon through an extended, severe drunken state. There are rumors that Brofrirlin got the idea from a patron suggesting they could reach enlightenment with enough of his wonderful brew. True or not, he achieved his strange goal and, before his death, he reported the inner peace he attained allowed him to greatly improve his recipes. Since, his family continues his legacy with multiple breweries across Dwarven lands, closely guarding the secret formulas he had created. While many claim to of attempted to replicate Brofrirlin's feat, few actually fully understand how intense and difficult the process truly is. A majority of the sincere attempts, as expected, result in many deaths due to Alcohol poisoning. However, rumors exist of those who survived.
  • While Therans are rare on Ultari, stories spread during the Great Uprising about the majority of their Race being trapped within the Great Maelstrom. It's said few are strong and brave enough to attempt escape, and even fewer succeed. However, those that do bring with them knowledge from within. One of these communications has been the Way of the Four Elements from Theran Disciples who achieved Paragon within the Elemental Roil. Non-Theran practitioners of this tradition have typically befriended and joining a traveling Theran, who are more than happy to spread their ways.
  • Monks of the Kensei Tradition intertwine their Revelation of Paragon with martial techniques, typically focusing on absolute mastery of a single weapon. These were the first splinter monasteries to emerge on Seton after The Lone Master departed his original sect out of necessity from the hostile environment. Since then, after the first Monastic practices reached Ultari, many small Priories from many races have emerged that have taken up these practices. Most Kensei sects exist within small Human or Dwarven towns, but the Drow have also embraced the concept and practice the art with their Kailreeth Blades.
  Long Death:
  • The Way of the Long Death was pioneered by Brother Alerin, who was originally part of the Mercy's Crest, work to help Plague Victims around Seton. His curiosity of death was piqued being around so many dying men and he developed new techniques from this experience in secret. After mastering his new practices, Alerin approached his Monasteries High Abbot with his findings, only to be chastised for his heresy. Infuriated by what he saw as Small-Mindedness, he left the Crest to document his findings and spread his Knowledge as far as he could. Unfortunately, many seedy groups acquired the information and have since co opted the practice for various nefarious ends. While the Way of the Long Death rarely has an official, established practice, many Cults and criminal organizations exist practicing the Art. However, Alerin's documentation was fastidious and many manuals exist reported to contain extensive outlining of the practices.
  • Stories exist of a horrific Epidemic before the Ice Age that wreaked havoc on the human population of Seton. This illness is believed to be the first known record of the existence of who will eventually be known as "Sal-Geth", the Lord of Disease. The disease was rampant and chaotic, changing constantly as it moved throughout populations. The Way of Mercy emerged from a small, unknown village, as a response and their Friars began to turn the tide against the illness. The order has been maintained and eventually found its way to Ultari where the Mercy's Crest organization was founded. The Way of Mercy is typically practiced by Friars of Mercy's Crest, but Cloisters in small towns have practiced the art in response to outbreaks of disease.
  Open Hand:
  • Be the first!
  • During the Ice Age, the Drow first learned of the Monastic Traditions practiced by Humanity within Wymborne and they eagerly embraced the concept. Many Sects have been established and became a small elite group which could quickly move through the shadow-filled Umbra. These Shadow Dancers even provided their services during the Great Uprising, guiding refugees of all creeds through the dangerous umbra. The Shadow Dancers are the largest practitioners of this art, but many Drow guides maintained close relationships with the Smugglers of the period. Because of this, the practice (while rare) has reportedly been seen working for the various Thief Guilds and smuggling rings across Ultari.
  Sun Soul:
  • The first stories of the Sun Soul order were spread during the Great Revolution from sailors venturing to and from Lyora in their dealings with the Grant. They say these Monks have, through mastery of themselves, also achieved a degree of mastery of the Sun's power, as well. Tales tell of the Gazelle-Like Granti living at the foot of a tall, lonely mountain who learn these methods at the peak. As of current day, this practice is simply a story in Ultari and has yet to be recorded as being practiced.