Class: Paladin


While there are many "Divine Warriors" across Eridani, a true Paladin is the rare product of a powerful alignment between Faith, Will, and Purpose. These indomitable crusaders have bound themselves to a particular value or principle and spend the remainder of their lives defending or enforcing it. The recipients of a Paladin's dedication range widely; Deities or other powerful entities, religious sects, natural forces, states, kingdoms, and beyond.

The Sacred Oaths of the Paladin

  • Strong reverence for the Natural World leads many warriors taking up an Oath of the Ancients to defend the creatures and environments that can't defend themselves.
  • An Oath of Conquest is frequently taken in midst of furious combat, but always by holy fighters who know their faith is best served with their presence on the battlefield.
  • Devotion to King or Country has always been a powerful motivator for mortals throughout history, but few embody the concept as much as Paladins under an Oath of Devotion.
  • The fervor of the most dedicated Holy Warriors belief in their theology has led to many taking an Oath of Devotion to their faith's Principles and Teachings.
  • Either through heroic deeds or a divine sense of significance, Paladins taking the Oath of Glory devote their efforts to performing valiant efforts in the name of their Patron.
  • A warrior of the faith whose experienced a great personal failing, in their darkest hour, may take an Oath of Redemption to atone for what they see as their greatest regret.
  Open Seas:
  • Every so often, a crusader can find themselves enraptured with the majesty and mystery of the oceans; taking an Oath of the Open Seas to spread their faith far and wide.
  • When a terrible injustice is witnessed by a devoted warrior, the sacrilege can prompt these individuals to take an Oath of Vengeance against the perpetrators and the act at large.
  • When a worthy individual witnesses an event of an extra-planar nature, they may be approached by Yeethria, the Steward, to take an Oath to safeguard the Material Plane from these threats.
  • When a profound event causes a Paladin to willingly abandoned their Oath, they experience a powerful crisis of self, leaving behind an individual twisted against their own cause.