Class: Ranger


The world of Eridani is filled with a wide array of individuals whose solitary, self-sufficient lives free their minds from the comings/goings of the world. Through this detachment, their receptiveness to the natural world is increased, and with the right combination of will and worth, and Ranger is born. These select few travel through their domains with a practiced swiftness, ensuring their edge on whatever interlopers which may be encountered.

The Archetypal Paths of the Ranger

  Beast Master:
  • The worthy outriders who are receptive to the natural world enough to form powerful bonds with the beasts of their environments may become a Beast Master. Living feverous lives in the wilds of Eridani, these cunning individuals typically spend their time patrolling their territory and defending their home from outsiders.
  Drake Warden:
  • Stories of a seemingly improbable Archetypal practice of the Grantians from the distant lands of Lyora have recently been spread from far travelers. These stories purport that these practitioners have tames the great bestial Drakes scattered across Eridani after their previous Dragon Master's defeat. The general hatred for Dragons have led to these tales to be highly romanticized, referencing (in some way or another) the Mortals dominance over the beasts.
  Fey Wanderer:
  • Deep in the thick wilds of Feyrith live what are referred to as the Primal Elves; rumored to still continuing the practices of the Dryads of times long forgotten. Whatever the truth may be, these Elves are known to have a much deeper connection with the natural world, able to channel this bond in unique ways. It's said the Gleamleaf Elves maintain many of these traditions, including the mysterious practices known of the Fey Wanderers.
  Gloom Stalker:
  • The mysterious, almost Alien world of the Umbra has its own unique challenges and dangers which claim many surface dwellers who've attempted to make it their home. Those who can truly adapt to this fantastical world have found the environment itself very welcoming, almost seeking out those who will listen. Drowen Outriders are those most suited for these ways, but many outcasts from the surface seeking refuge in the Umbra have found comfort in her embrace.
  Horizon Walker:
  • While few know of its existence, the Dawnseekers have been present in the backdrop of Eridani keeping vigil for a very specific breed of threat; Extra-planar forces. Due to the remoteness of the areas surveyed by the various Rangers throughout the world, the opportunity to witness an event of this nature may present itself. When this occurs, many of these individuals, by virtue of defending their own realm, have drawn the attention of Yeethria, the Dawnseeker's mysterious patron. These brave individuals are approached by this Being and invited to join the Order; pledging their talents and knowledge to the stewardship of the realm.
  • Emulating the Hunter archetype means accepting your place as a bulwark between civilization and the terrors of the wilderness. As you walk the Hunter’s path, you learn specialized techniques for fighting the threats you face, from rampaging ogres and hordes of orcs to towering giants and terrifying dragons.
  Monster Slayer:
  • You have dedicated yourself to hunting down creatures of the night and wielders of grim magic. A Monster Slayer seeks out vampires, dragons, evil fey, fiends, and other magical threats. Trained in supernatural techniques to overcome such monsters, slayers are experts at unearthing and defeating mighty, mystical foes.
  • The Procyons of Lyora's Northern Jungles (the most well-known being Rhitichilin, the patron of Tache) live intrinsically intertwined with their environment, forming a unique bond. This bond, along with their eccentric personalities, combine to produce a strange practice amongst their kind of acting as a conduit for nearby natural spirits. Though this free spirited frame of mind common among the Procyon means few others have managed to (or even know of) this bond, a wandering Swarmkeeper have been known to share its secretes.