Class: Sorcerer


Sorcerers on Eridani have the incredible inherent ability to control Magic through a connection to their previously lives. These connections can happen at birth, surface during early childhood, or possibly lay dormant until a significant event. Previous Existences have been found to have no ties to lineage or race and may manifest in anyone, however rarely.

The Origins of the Sorcerer

  Aberrant Mind:
  • An Aberrant Mind may emerge when one of an individual's previous existences had incredible psychic abilities, passing on these abilities.
  Divine Soul:
  • When one's previous existences include an extraordinarily strong, devout being, a Divine Soul may spark; tapping into this Divine link.
  Draconic Soul:
  • Powerful Dragonborn leave a lasting impact on their future lives, and these Draconic Souls still maintain a degree of their strength.
  Shadow Magic:
  • Deep Evil can scar a soul, branding a lasting tie to the shadows these beings served. The bond itself isn't said to impact the future lives alignment, but it's said whispers accompany the power's sparked.
  Storm Sorcery:
  • Priest and Druids of the Sea can achieve a powerful enough connection to the Ocean to imprint the heart of the Storm within themselves.
  Wild Magic:
  • Preeminent Hierophants others with intimate bonds with Nature can mark a Soul with the wild, chaotic power of the natural world.