Class: Warlock


There are many powerful higher beings residing on Eridani and beyond which are always seeking Mortals for a wide array of unknowable ends. The many inhabitants who find themselves in the service of these entities may of sought out their patronage in exchange for power, or they may be approached. However the bond is forged, these servants are branded by their patron being in some way; from a tattoo or other marking to an burn somewhere on their body. This brand acts as a conduit of power to the Mortal, allowing access to a small portion of the being's own power which the recipient is expected to use in their service.

The Patrons of the Warlock

  • Powerful Fey Entities are known to exist on Eridani, deep within the unspoiled wilds of the world, who work, in their own way, to protect the natural order of the Realm. These beings are said to periodically approach Mortals who may not be receptive of respectful enough of nature to form a meaningful bond with the Nature Force as a whole. However, the whims of these Archfey vary widely compared to the reliable consistency of Nature itself, with some Mortals even gaining favor through an entertaining enough practical joke.
  • While it's unknown why the ratio of Fiendish and Celestial entities so heavily favors the former, the latter have still been documented interacting in many positive ways with Mortals throughout the ages. The most notable causes of these heavenly beings are typically associated with Mortal Salvation against the demonic beings and powers that seem to permeate the land itself. Thought fighting alongside these Angels against the forces of darkness is the most common way a bond is formed, they've been known to "draft" select mortals under their protection in the most dire of times.
  • Many powerful fiends have been documented through Eridani's checkered past, and their attunement to the negative emotions of mortals makes them a common patron.The individuals who make a pact with these beings are either desperate, foolish, or has truly evil intentions that entices the contracting Fiendish being.
  Great Old One:
  • The Eldritch Beings which have existed since long before Eridani's formation have accumulated vast amounts of ancient knowledge throughout their supposedly endless lives. Since gaining sentience, Mortal curiosity have always driven many to investigate the mysteries and inner workings of the world, sometimes learning ways to interact with these entities. Most of these individuals, through the fear accumulated during study of these beings, attempt to delve for the secretes they're searching for as carefully as possible, to not alert or anger their "Patron".
  • The unlucky few mortals who somehow find themselves within the plane known as the Entrosphere typically find their end at the hands of it's strange inhabitants and hostile environment. However, on very rare occasion, when a forsaken individual possesses a powerful enough force of will, they may be offered salvation from the mysterious patron of this realm. These "Hexenblades" return to the material realm a changed person; wandering the world of Eridani using their newfound abilities to channel the realm which previously threatened to destroy them at the whim of their new, mysterious master.
  • While Mortals have begun to reclaim the surface waters of the inner ocean, both the fathoms beneath its waves and outer depths remain mostly a mystery to shore-bound folk. Within these vast depths are rumored to exist beings of wondrous and terrifying power who have swum through the oceans since days that have been long forgotten by time. If the stories are to be believed, these entities sometimes recruit disciples from forsaken sailors, saving them from a watery grave in return for surveillance of the surface world.
  • There exists a being of unknown title which has existed upon Eridani for millennia who is believed to approach Mortals desperate for forbidden knowledge, binding them unwittingly to itself. These so-bound gain incredible knowledge of the powers of Life and Death and are left to utilize their newfound abilities as they see fit, the cost of their bargain typically forgotten…for a time.
  • The sentient races of Eridani have always grappled with their inherent mortality, and a select few have, through (typically despicable) methods found ways to break free of their Mortal curse. Since then, others desperate to escape the shackles of death have sought out these beings in a desperate attempt to gain any knowledge which may help them accomplish their goal of foiling their demise.