Class: Wizard


Throughout recorded time, the Mortals of Eridani have always been fascinated by Magic and the wondrous possibilities it provides. While this remains an idle curiosity to most, the dedicated few fuel this spark of intrigue into a blazing passion that others often call obsession. Years of thorough study to gain a deep understanding of the intricacies of Magic, combined with a powerful enough strength of will produces a young Mage. Achieving this "Arcane Epiphany" and finally gaining a measure of control over the Magic of the world leads many to specialize their studies to a particular School of focus.

The Arcane Traditions of the Wizard

  Schools of the Spectra:
  • The most common path for a freshly realized mage is to immerse themselves in a specific school of Magic, choosing based on either their passion or for more practical reasons. These intensive studies not only provide the Student of Magic with further understanding of their chosen Spectra, but also much finer control over its associated capabilities. While Wymborne and Calgith maintain a School of Arcane study (not to mention the many High-Elven Arcane Academies), a Spectra Wizard simply needs source material and willpower.
  • While most Wizards look down on Bards, seeing their instruments as ways to avoid deeper magical study, the Gleamleaf Bladesingers chose to embrace the concept. These Arcane Warriors, inspired by their Minstrel brethren, developed a powerful tradition around specialized blades shaped to catch the wind to create a whistling battle song. The intricate and deliberate high-pitched melodies produced are weaved around the practitioner to produce incredible effects of speed and reaction.
  Order of Scribes:
  • The Order of the Scribes appeared along with, and with just as much mystery, as the various Athenaeums established across Civilized Ultari sometime during the Ice-Age. Combining their magical studies with their unending labors cataloging any events, history, or other knowledge they attain; the Order of the Scribes developed many useful practices. Their practice not only sets them apart due to the practicality, but also provides them access to the deep stores of information within the Enquirey's Athenaeums.
  War Magic:
  • The caster ranks of the High-Elven Radiant Crusade, which marched across the civilized lands of Ultari over 60 years ago, were filled with practitioners of War Magic. Chaotic battlefield conditions produced a special breed of Wizard; one who focused on both the destructive power of Evocation, with the defensive abilities of Abjuration. These War Mages far exceeded expectations and, combined with the might of the Eldritch Knights holding the line, are seen as the source of the Crusade's success. Also similarly to the Eldritch Knights, the secretes of this School of Wizardry have since been spread across all of Ultari, with practitioners far and wide.