Eridani Languages

Common: Common Tongue of Ultari's Humans
Narewlin: Language of the Seafaring Naratsiu
New Imperial: Devote tongue of the Gojeziel people
Cajan: Baffling tongue of the Cajhian Swampfolk
Borznian: Native Language of Balgorznia
Xyrial: Shared Tongue of the Tribes of Seton

Dwarvish: Language of the Surface Dwarves & Dultorumn
Rubblin: Simplified Shorthand Dialect of Dwarven
Haiddrish: Mother Tongue of the New Therithal Dwarves
Deep-Haiddrish: Reverent Language of New Therithal's Clergy
Hadlin: Language of the Seafaring Dwarves of Hadlew

Elvish: Modern variant of Elden Elvish
Elden Elvish: Evolution from Ancient Elvish
Sylvan: Inherited Tongue of the Dryads
Kett: Language of Western Ultari's Free Elves

Dresh: Drow Variant of Elden Elvish
Deturiel: Pathfinder Whistle-Based Language

High-Elven: Elziantel variant of Modern Elvish
Elzith: Elziran Society's Sophisticated Language
Arudian: Sacred Language of Elziante's Clergy

Siss'sn: Native Tongue of Cajhia's Varidae
Tsatl'sn: Language of North Ultari's Iguians

Crawkin: Corvin's Common/Trade Tongue
Qhennet: Intricate Core Language of the Corvin
Aifese: Elegant Vernacular of Corvin Music
Creiw: Corvin's Efficient Language for Civics


Druidic: Sylvan Variant used by Eridani's Druids
Epist: Language used within Enquiery Libraries
Goblin: Guttural language of Ultari's Goblins
Hobgoblin: Strictly Structured Variant of Goblin
Giant: Multi-dialect language of Ultari's Giants
Wilder: Language of Necessity used in the North
Draconic: Language of the late Dragons-Lords
Vhathlin: Old, Near-Defunt Ultarian Tribal Tongue