Eridani World Rules


Character Creation
Rest Changes
Combat Mechanics
Other Rules

Knowledge Proficiencies:



Below is a list of the various house important rules that apply to this campaign. These items are not set in stone, and are open to discussion and subject to change with notice.  

Character Creation and Advancement

  • Characters are created using the Standard Array of Ability Scores.
  • Hitpoint Advancement is Automatic (Half Hit Die Max + 1 + Constitution Modifier)
  • Levels and Experience are Milestone based, since using experience sucks
  • Multi-Classing isn't available during Character Creation, but available afterwards

Combat Related

  • You are considered to be proficient with your natural weapons, including basic unarmed strikes
  • Called Shots can be applied to Critical Hits to possibly provide extra effects if the target survives
  • Flanking a Target provides immunity to disadvantage on attacks against them
  • When a fumble occurs, in addition to other possible effects, nearby enemies gain an opportunity attack

Health and Healing:

  • Long rests don't restore you to maximum health, instead only regenerating half of your maximum Hit Dice
  • Severe Injuries may occur if after being knocked unconscious any remaining damage exceeds 50% max health
    • For Example: Limb Severed, Eye Lost, Comatose State, etc.
  • Broken Bones and other major injuries aren't resolved with normal magical healing and require a Restoration Spell

Food and Drink Requirements

  • Players require Two Meals and One Gallon of Water every day to avoid Exhaustion
  • Food quality can differ greatly and provide many benefits discoverable through the Cooking Profession
  • Meals come in multiple sizes and impact the duration of Quality-Based Benefits:
    • Light Meal - 8 Hours
    • Standard Meal - 16 Hours
    • Hearty Meal - 24 Hours
  • Note: These times relate only to benefits and not towards actual food requirements.
  • Starvation & Dehydration Circumstances and Effects:
    • Players can fast a number of days equal to their Constitution Modifier + 1 (Minimum 1)
      • Any day beyond automatically adds a level of Exhaustion
    • A Player falling short of Water Requirements makes a Constitution Save against a level Exhaustion:
      • Advantage is gained if at least 2 liters were consumed
      • Disadvantage is imposed on sequential days without any water
  • The Impacts of Exhaustion remain the default effects laid out in the 5e Rules

Mechanics and Other Rules:

  • Natural Flying Abilities are subject to the following rules under normal circumstances:
    • Corvin, for example have wings which are also their arms, and are thus in use during flight
    • If someone begins their turn airborne, they must move at least 5 feet before other actions
    • Falling from a height of over 40 feet is enough to knock someone out, scaling down
    • Range will be considered spherical, and the DM will help you calculate your "actual" range
  • Inspiration gained from doing awesome things can be exchanged for multiple effects:
    • Reroll the result of a single Attack, Ability Check, or Saving Throw
    • Swap an Initiative roll with any NPC or willing PC during combat
    • "Oh, I actually have one." - Find a basic item in your pack you forgot about
    • "I think I know a guy" - Introduce a new NPC lightly associated with situation
