The Corvin Race


Though their underlying motivations and goals differ greatly, all Corvins share a fundamental curiosity about the world around them. This inquisitiveness is reflected throughout their culture and has created one of the most forward thinking societies known on Eridani. Fueling these progressive values is a universal fascination of the language and culture from other races which has resulted in an endlessly open-minded (if excessively talkative) populace.

Physically, Corvin resemble their Raven-like ancestors and can reach heights of nearly 4 1/2 feet tall. Individual plumage varies most obviously in hue; from Jet Black and Grey-tones to deep shades of Blue and Indigo, but also in multiple finer qualities such as quill width and after-feather roughness. However appearance defining these minor details prove to be for the Corvin themselves, other races are rarely able to decerne these differences and focus chiefly on the color of one's feathers, causing much offense those referred to as such.

Modern day Corvin Society flourishes through a peculiar combination of strong structure and constant flux. This delicate balance is achieved primarily through a set of historically important principles to the community as a whole; Be open to dissenting opinions, be courageous enough to admit fault, and appreciate those who do so. Consequently, this mindset causes lengthy debates on seemingly trivial subjects which, while typically ending amicably between Corvin themselves, frequently frustrates other races who may perceive these conversations as arguments without their debater's noticing until it's too late.


Through Generations of meticulous scrutinization regarding the past, Corvins possess possibly the most accurate recounting of their own history. These records place their origin a few centuries prior to the beginning of the Great Ice Age. The primitive race is believed to of enjoyed a relatively peaceful and simple existence for the time leading to the Great Freeze. However, while the world around them began to freeze, the Skyfire Forest in which the young society resided provided a warmth not present in the surrounding areas.   Unfortunately, what initially appeared as salvation against the glaciers and freezing snow proved itself a trap as the rapidly falling temperatures slowly encroached upon the forest's borders. Being located at Ultari's northern limits left the perceived Oasis surrounded by towering glaciers, freezing waters, and uninhabitable tundras which slowly tightened what appeared to be a noose around the neck of the fledgling race. As the decades progressed, as did the edge of the Skyfire Forest and the hope of the surviving population.   Just as the final reserves of faith had dwindled, a discovery was made which changed everything: Magic. Through the study of what historical accounts of the long-since absent Druids were available and fueled by the potent elixir of genius and desperation, Calkrock learned the basic principles behind the Magical Arts and became what is Proposed to be the first Real Wizard on Eridani; as in the first Mortal to master the discipline without any divine of eldritch tutelage. It was due to the development of these practices and the eagerness of both teacher and students of the craft that the Corvin were able to find new ways to push back the clock counting down to their surmised defeat.

Core Attributes & Traits

+2 +2 ( 8 / 10 )
Speed Vision Lifespan
20ft Normal ~80 Years

Gift of Flight
Gain 40 Feet of Flying Speed
Natural Weapons
Talons: 1 + DEX Piercing
Natural Linguists
Learn New Languages Faster
Keen Eyes
ADV vs Identifying Magical Illusions
Bonus to Perceiving Shiny Things
ADV on Vocal Impersonations
Hollow Bones
Inherited Vulnerability: Bludgeoning

Proficiencies Languages
+1 Skill
+1 Language

Feat: Illusionary Adepts

+1 to Racial Stat
Bonus At-Will Cantrip Minor Illusion
Reaction: Modify Any Active Illusion
Arcane Check DC: 11 + Spell Level
USES: INT Mod | REFRESH: Long Rest

Emboldened by their newly discovered abilities, scout parties were formed to search for anywhere habitable beyond the frozen wastes imprisoning their people. Sadly, many of these heroic individuals were lost to the Ice and it took years of sacrifice before their efforts bore fruit. With time running out and tempers reaching a breaking point, a single group of adventurers returned with a potential hope. Though sitting a distance far beyond the limits of what was initially believed possible, a valley was discovered just outside the reach of the consuming glaciers with near paradise level appeal. With no other options and space running out, plans were made for the Great Migration which commenced after months of provisioning and training.   Even with the aid of their primitive magics and preparations, the oppressive storms and freezing winds extracted a grievous toll on the Migration and losses exceeded even the most dismal of the journey leader's estimates. However, those lucky enough to of Survived found the landscape of their promised paradise radically changed since first discovered 2 years prior. Large areas of scarred land held scarce sigh of the lush prairies and fertile grasslands originally observed by the fated scout troop. The verdant forests described had also been reduced to a shadow of its prior depictions, now sporting jagged clearcut incursions reaching deep into the jungles.   It was then that the Corvin Refugees encountered who were later identified to be the first known reference to Hobgoblins upon Eridani. With the survival of their entire race on the line, the vagabonds desperately attempted to engage the primitive race diplomatically, making generous offers of tribute for mutual habitation. Unfortunately these eloquently presented options failed to reach the savage Hobgoblins and it was with great reluctance that the tool of their salvation was turned on these hostile acquaintances to fantastic effect. After a short but brutal conflict, the valleys previous occupants were expelled, fleeing through the only available exit south leading deep into the Umbra which left the victors free to begin the arduous process of reversing the damage their foes had inflicted upon the land.   Official records from this point until recent history contain a massive number of redactions, proposedly to protect the location of this valley. What is known, however, is through their adept illusionary magics, Corvin society avoided a vast majority of the strife caused by the Dragon Age and that after providing an vital assistance of the Dragon Lord's defeat chose to return to their ancestral homelands to rebuild their society. While it's destruction is included in the official narrative, it's widely assumed many Corvin and important members of the coalition formed to overthrow the Dragons remained in the Valley and it still exists, cloaked in illusion, to this day serving any number of rumored purposes.

Major Cities:

Qreen: The Civic Capital of the Corvin Race, Qreen stands deep within the center of the Skyfire Forest and acts as a hub of both the communication and validation of the rapidly changing politics employed in the region. While the cramped flyways and constant motion make it the least favored of the major cities, all citizens recognize its importance to both compiling and confirming information and policies and many reluctantly spend large portions of their lives navigating the lengthy procedures and hearings to have their voices heard or ideas recognized.

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