The Draeu'elvn Race



Possessing a seemingly contradictory combination of detachment and focus, the Drow race of Eridani inhabit the labyrinthian Umbra beneath southern Ultari. Exotic and dangerous, this environment's unique and forumitable demands have molded it's residents into not only cunning hunters, but also adept artisans. This success is supposedly due to the storied protection and tutelage from their patron Deity Drahenna long ago in times before the great Ice-Age. While the Great Umbral Mistress' influence has waned in times since, the Droth Race stand strong in their stalwart reverence and follow her doctrine to this day.

The sharp and often predatory features possessed by the Drow belie the definitive tactfulness of their race, and while individual personalities vary, the malice implied by their visage is rarely apt. Conversely, the tone of one's skin can provide some insight, at least in regards to their activities on the surface. Those living primarily within the Umbra's bioluminescence reflect this with various shades of turquoise and mauve. However, extended time on the surface bestows their deeper complexions of Dark Violet to a rich Navy Blue.

Most Drow reside within their newly rebuilt capital of Nektulos or one of the nearby umbral villages enjoying a relative prosperity which facilitates the primary struggle of their race; Complacency. Though Droth Pathfinders proved instrumental to unseating the Dragon Lords, their society itself remained comparatively unscathed by the occupation after the admittedly high cost of the original Nektulos' destruction. It is because of this that one of the core edicts of their Faith places great importance on venturing to the surface and connect with Eridani's other mortals, though its adoption seen little progress until recently.


According to their Faith, the beginning of the Droth race begins with The Great Separation of the Dryads which occurred over a millenia past and birthed the original predecessors of the Faeruin. Vulnerable and ignorant to the world due to their infancy, the lucky majority of this newly born race resided within Feyrith where Nature's influence was strongest and came under the guidance of the few remaining Dryads. The less fortunate scattered across Ultari found themselves lost in their newfound mortality and struggled to survive.

It was then that the scattered and seemingly forsaken survivors received the first vision of Drahenna, the Mistress of the Umbra. Driven by faith, desperation, or both, these refugees followed her divine guidance through not only the wilds, but deep into the dangerous Umbra below. During this journey, the pilgrims found themselves changing to better suit their new environment as they were blessed by Drahenna.

Core Attributes & Traits

+2 +1 +1
Speed Vision Lifespan
30ft Umbra-Sight ~140 Years

Trance Sleep
4-Hour "Meditation" Long Rests
Counts as actual Sleep (Inc. Dreams)
Fey Ancestry
ADV vs Charm Effects
Immune to Magical Sleep
Enhanced Senses
ADV on Sight & Scent Checks
Steel Cunning
ADV Identifying / Appraising Metals

Proficiencies Languages
+1 Tool

Feat: Umbral Light

+1 to a Racial Stat
Create a 2ft Sphere of Light with 30 Feet
Light Option 1: 40ft of Dim Light
Light Option 2: 20ft of Umbral Light
Sphere can be moved up to 30ft per Turn
Can also Orbit / Follow a Target Creature
Uses: At Will | Create/Move: Bonus Action

This great migration ended in what would eventually be known as Neriak, the new home prophesized during their trek, which is told to of provided protection and prosperity for centuries. This came to an abrupt end with the event known to most as The World Quake. In addition to signaling the start of the Ice Age, the entirety of Neriak was lost in the waves of destructive tremors, sparing only the few living in the city's outskirts. However, even this horrible catastrophe was overshadowed by the silence of Drahenna which followed, draining any remaining hope from the survivors. Lost and alone, the Drow once again struggled for survival while praying desperately for their patron's return.

These prays were eventually answered, though by an unexpected source, and after weeks of deafening silence, the Drow met the first Scions of Drahenna, once again guiding the desperate race together and to a new home further south where the Ice Age's impact was less severe. It was during this construction of what would come to be Nektulos that the Scions returned with word from Drahenna. The edict encouraged all Drow to venture to the surface and interact with Eridani's other races; to form bonds and learn from them. Unfortunately, this edict was largely ignored by the general population who were not in a hurry to abandon the lives they worked to rebuild.

That is...until decades later when the prophet Rei'Tin arrived. Born with gifts attributed to Drahenna's blessing, the Hero brazenly left the church and ventured on to the Tundra above. The daring feats of bravery and legend performed with the aid of his companions from other races inspired their society and finally pushed the Drow to the surface they abandoned so long ago. The knowledge and partnerships that formed as a result of embracing the divine imperative proved to be the catalyst needed to bring the Umbral Denizens into the fold, and to this day, the Droth still honor his name and strive towards the example he put forth.

These connections with Eridani's other races were suddenly severed with the rise of the Dragon Lords. Nektulos was destroyed along with major entrances to the Umbra, isolating the Drow. Though from this point the Drow avoided most of the age's horrors, they kept true to Rei'Ten's example, pushing back towards the surface, eventually providing instrumental logistics through their Umbral Pathfinders to the resistance. Since then, reconstruction of their ruined capital and reconnecting with the world they were barred from have become the driving motivations of the Drow race.

Major Factions:

Nektulos: Rising from the ashes as a testament to their perseverance, the grand city of Nektulos stands strong as the Droth Capital. Not only a center for Drow Culture and Civics, the city also acts as a gateway and hub to the Umbra itself, providing the only known "safe" entrance to the world below. Residents live communisticly, providing what services they can for the state and receiving what they need in return. However, in an effort to combat the inherent complacency this brings, a recognition based system for "premium" items and services enables not only motivation but also an interface for the currency system used by the surface races.

Umbral Wilds: While not technically a separate faction, not all Drow are drawn to the lives lead near Nektulos. These more traditional Droth live in small umbral villages seeking little contact with the outside world. While these tribes still honor Drahenna and abide by her teachings, the traditions and symbiotic relationships with the umbra lead to very few of their members fulfill her will of venturing above to the surface.