The Human Race



No other Eridani race represents as wide a variety of people as Humanity; from the most selfish of thieves to most generous samaritans. This is due in-part to the dubious status as the oldest of the known world. In their time, Humans have spread far and wide from their origins within the continent of Seton but in the process have experienced great tragedies and hardships, both the recent and those lost to the ages. Nonetheless, each new generation of Humankind is filled with their people's most unifying characteristic; a relentless optimism for the future.

Similarly, the scope of Human Appearance is as wide as that of their personalities. Not only in regards to Tone; such as the contrast of the Sun-Kissed Naratsiu and paler skin of Most Ultarians; but also in size. Most stand at around 5 1/2 - 6 feet high, the tallest of the presumptuously self-proclaimed 'Civilized Ultari'. However, the renowned warriors of Balgorznia are known to reach over 7 feet, where-as the lithe inhabitants of Seton rarely rise anywhere close to the 6' mark.

In keeping with Humanity's defining diversity, cultural and social customs can differ greatly between their numerous factions and nations. Some are ardently devoted to their faith as is most of Golgeziel, others like the Balgorznians value strict dedication to the State and their motherland. Though in the end, regardless of their affiliation, Humanity produces arguably the most diverse and adaptable inhabitants of Eridani.


The earliest records of the Human Race speak of the great and powerful Hurizu Empire which encompased a vast majority of their home continent of Seton. They are said to of possed endless technological and magical marvels which enabled their astonishing rise to power and prosperity. What happened next is as mysterious as it is was devastating to Seton's inhabitants and is referred to as The Great Catastrophe. Whatever the cause, the result was the entire empire, including its inhabitants and all of the wonders they possessed being lost overnight in an incredible fulmination that forever shattered the entire Continent.

Core Attributes & Traits

Any Attribute
+2 +1 +1
Speed Vision Lifespan
30ft Normal ~80 Years
Human Ingenuity
Learn New Skills Faster
Proficiencies Languages
+1 Skill Common

Subrace: Mainlander

Adaptable Skillset
Bonus Feat at Level 1
Proficiencies Languages
+2 Skills/Tools +2 Languages

Subrace: ???

Feat: The Human Spirit

+1 to Any Attribute
Remove Disadvantage on an Attack/Save
ADV on Death Saves after 2 Failures
USES: CHA Mod | REFRESH: Long Rest

Ultimately, nearly the entire human population was wiped out, either being inexplicably lost with the Empire or falling in the ensuing aftermath of Seton's devastation. Many unfortunate survivors found themselves trapped by the land's new battered landscape, but those lucky enough to be able journeyed north in a desperate bid to escape the chaos. These brave refugees were willing to attempt the harrowing sea voyage to nearby Ultari off vague promises of salvation upon its shores.

Though many poor souls found themselves lost to the depths, those who successfully reached the promised land confronted their grief and began the arduous task of starting anew in an unknown land. Finding the environment mercifully welcoming, and by virtue of their trademark determination and flexibility, Humanity recovered and slowly spread across Southern Ultari. After this leisurely repopulation, the new people of Ultari entered an age of humble prosperity.

Progress during these times was slow owing to the loss of the support provided by the Empire's technology (now considered miraculous) prior to the Great Catastrophe. However, human ingenuity and persistence steadily advanced their understanding of the new world thrust upon them. Through these advancements, numbers rebounded and were spread across a wide number of small tribes and villages. Unfortunately, the peace and plenty experienced for generations all came to an abrupt and disastrous end with the event which came to be known as The World Quake. This monumental group of tremors were felt across all of Eridani, evidenced by its presence in the history of all known races existing at the time. Sorrowfully, the devastation caused by this swarm of colossal quakes pales to that of the world-wide Ice-Age that swiftly followed.

The drastic changes to Eridani's weather and the rapidly dropping temperatures brought an icy end to many of the fledgeling communities, once again bringing Humanity to the brink of extinction. However, after years of every night progressing the freeze, the climate began to stabilize to a new dreadful norm. When the snow settled, the Human Spirit had proven to of once again prevailed, though at a staggering cost. Tattered remnants of broken villages pulled together into small communities desperately seeking warmth and shelter from the permafrost. Ever tenacious, after eventually adapting to their new world, these groups ventured forth and established connections with one another, agreeing to share the heavy burdens demanded by the current age.

After decades of surviving through the oppressive and ever-present cold, the human race was thrown a curve-ball; First Contact with another sentient race. Out of the Mountains came the beleaguered Dwarven refugees fleeing the glaciers which slowly devoured their homeland. Dwarvenkind was met with open arms by Humanity, who welcomed any ally against the world which seemed to be against them. The new arrivals from the north brought with them metalworking and other tradeskill knowledge long lost to humanity. In return, the humans taught their newfound copatriates how to survive in an environment profoundly different from their motherland. In the midst of these combined efforts, strong bonds were formed which remain apparent in even modern times.

Observing the interactions between Human and Dwarf kind, the more curious of the forest's Feiruin race offered their assistance and support. Through their cooperation and combined skills, the great city of Wymborne was constructed, an astounding feat in light of the extreme climate and limited resources of the time. This United Republic of Races still stands today and acts as an effective capital for the region. However, in its youth, Wymborne was a city of necessity that played a pivotal role in surviving the ravages of the Ice-Age for each race involved.

Sadly, only two decades after Wymborne was fully constructed, a foreboding event signaled the start of a new and terrible age on Eridani. A series of powerful tremors once again rippled across Eridani, nearly as strong as the World Quake itself in its strength, though, mercifully, much shorter in duration. This shockwave and subsequent rise of the Elder Dragon Lords coincided with a sudden reversal of the world's current frozen climate. Melting glaciers quickly caused floods and landslides, forever changing long-established geography on Ultari and wiping out entire villages, along with large swaths of the areas delicate ecosystems.

During the incipient chaos, the newly risen Dragon Lords quickly established their dominance, beginning enslavement of Eridani's nearly all of Eridani's Mortal population in the Dragon Age. This worldwide reign lasted for over a century until an insurgency comprised of representatives from every known race finally overthrow their oppressors, leading to the Freeing of the World and the start of modern history.

Major Factions:

Wymborne: Constructed during the Ice-Age, Wymborne is the incredible result of unheard-of cooperation between desperate Humans, Dwarves, and Faeruin to build a home within the snow and storms of the era. Since, the Republic of Wymborne has become a symbol of unity across all of Eridani's sentient races and acts as a de facto capital to the entire region. Vast Resources, Sprawling Libraries, Schools of the Arcane Arts, and many other impressive features reinforce this pseudo-status. Additionally, the people of this State are the most Diverse of the known world, with each receiving its own representation in both political and social spheres.

Goljeziel: Goljeziel's Zealous Inhabitants, all followers of the Old Testament, spend their lives honoring their Gods and furthering the interests of the Church. While the Golian people may appear Xenophobic and Isolationist from the outside, much of their time is focused on Trade and Maintaining Relations with their neighbours. However, the strict adherence to their religious and cultural traditions have been known to cause many inadvertent offences and misunderstandings, leading to their current reputation.

Balgorznia: The Glorious Communist Nation of Balgorznia is Ultari's largest in terms of land which is constantly patrolled by its various member Tribes. While the Capital, Balgorzia, is incredibly busy with Trade between neighbours and the State and the various trades supporting the Nation's populous, the surrounding suburbs are mostly Supply Camps and Waypoints. That said, the Gorznian people are remarkably welcoming to peaceful outsiders, so long as their time within the Nation is purposeful and productive.

Cajhia: Often misunderstood (in more ways than one), the easy-going swamp-folk of Cajhia are a peaceful people who've practiced their way of life within the marshes for centuries. Life in the swamp is simple and emphasizes harmony between the people and their environment resulting in many symbiotic traditions with local wildlife. Cajhian people are warm and welcoming, though their enthusiasm and...interesting take on Common tongue can be overwhelming for some.