The Varidae Race


Youngest Natural Race > Live Season to Season

Alien Mind > Primal and Animalistic

Very Simple Motivations > Few Long-Term Goals



Emerged during Dragon Age > Held Dragon's Favor

Indifference to Said Favor > Flourishing Because of It

Forced Migration to Cajia to Combat Inhabitants > Subsequent Indifference

Indifference to Overthrow of Dragons > Final Abduction to Seton

Current State





Major Factions:

Corvin's Cove

The Badlands

Swamps of Cajhia

Core Attributes & Traits

+1 +3 ( 8 )
Speed Vision Lifespan
30ft Normal ~50 Years

Natural Weapons
Claw Attack: 1d4 + STR Slashing
Bite Attack: 1d4 + STR Piercing
Iron Stomach
Immune to Ingested Poisons
Digest Nearly Anything Biological
Enhanced Sense of Smell
ADV on Scent-Based Checks
Able Climbers
Climb Speed Equal to 1/2 Movement
Cold Blooded
Must keep body temp above 75 Degrees
Requires ~10 Min of Morning Basking
50% Reduced Food Requirements
Can Hold Breath for ~30 Minutes
Can Hibernate up to 6-Months fasting
Inherited Vulnerability: Cold
Muted Emotions
Bonus Resistance: Psychic
Disadvantage on Social Checks
Cannot Gain Levels of Barbarian

Proficiencies Languages

Subrace: Iguiain

Able Swimmers
Swim Speed Equal to Movement
Saltwater Tolerance
Able to Process Saltwater
Up to 70% Daily Need

Subrace: Koden

Envenomed Claws
Additional +1d4 Poison Damage
Damage Cannot Heal Naturally
Brackish Water Tolerance
Able to Process Brackish Water
Up to 70% Daily Need

Feat: Reptile Regen

+1 to Constitution
Regenerate/Reattach Severed Limbs
Unarmored AC: 13 + Dex
Bonus Resistance: Necrotic