Essence Moss Species in Eridu | World Anvil
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Essence Moss

Bryophyta Lumina Comtu or commonly known as Essence Moss is a bioluminescent moss found only at Lake Comtu. This moss grows on the Walls and Ceilings of the cave surrounding the lake. Essence moss is actually a prized and very valuable resource used in a number of different products. One of the most notable applications of Essence moss is in the production of luminous plant lights for houses. Hbwever the uses for biolumenecense are becoming more vast and the demand for the moss is on the rise. Local harvesters are conserned about the demand for the plant and the potential of over harvesting the plant.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Essence moss grows fairly quick. with in a week of patch harvests the plant is already reproducing and growing back into place. the plant reaches full maturity in one month and at 2 months reaches full luminosity.

Ecology and Habitats

While essence moss can grow out side of the cave the bioluminescence comes from the water of Lake Comtu.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Essence moss is bought by horticulturists looking to cross breed the species with other plants to create living lights from home. Essence moss is an expensive plant to obtain because of the high risk and preparation that is needed to get it. along with the cost of the plant for the bioluminescent nature of the plant to be propagated the moss must have water from Lake Comtu another costly ingredient to import. Second generation living lights do not seem to hold onto there bioluminescence and because of this Currently living lights are a high luxury item and most people who own them are those that are well off.
Scientific Name
Bryophyta Lumina Comtu
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The moss in light is a whitish gray color and glows a teal like green in the dark.
Geographic Distribution


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Jul 19, 2021 13:34

First thing I noticed here: Paragraphs, Or their lack thereof. The big blog of text at start could be separated into at least 2-3 separate paragraphs. 1. what and where it is. 2. what it is for 3. how treatened it is by the increasing demand. 3.1 how increasing demand led to possible monopolization/protection of harvesting of this moss, resulting in its product being sought after rare luxury.   The parts about its life cycle gave me a general idea about its life, but... it felt too short to warrant such header.   Also, does the ecology and habitat section mean that once the moss runs out of the water from lake Comtu it will stop its luminiscence? Making the water even more sought after than the moss itself. As the water is consumable, while the moss is constant.