BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!



The secluded colony of Naxos was home to a peaceful race of penguin folk, protected from harm by the Frosted Tips and frigid temperatures. Their peace came to an end after the war that plagued Erie brought desperate intruders into their waters. Prior to the war, the penguins would trade fish for other goods with other small colonies through a single port on their island, but they closed it during the war to avoid conflict. After the war, their neighbors to the north grew poor and desperate for food, so they initially braved the Frosted Tips in hopes of finding a new source of food or a colony to trade with. They were shocked to dock in the port of Naxos and find small penguins welcoming the weary travelers with a large amount of fish as a gift for their travels. Instead of repaying them for their kindness when they returned home, they reported their findings to their king, who promptly sent out a fleet to take out the weaker race. While in Naxos, one of the sailors had stolen an egg from the island, and the King found it to be a delicious delicacy, and so as per their instruction, the sailors were also ordered to fill their ships with as many eggs as they could carry. A fierce battle broke out but ultimately the penguins succumbed to the king’s army and the race was slaughtered. The soldiers collected the bodies and stole as many eggs as they could, only leaving behind those that were too small to cook. Most of the eggs never hatched, but Alastor, a 3 ft manic depressed penguin, was one of the lucky few to survive. After a few years of growing up on the empty island with the few other remaining penguins, Alastor decided that it wasn’t worth it and jumped off the tallest cliff into the Frosted Tips. That day he learned that part of being a penguin was being able to jump from tall heights and disappointingly being able to swim, so he swam North towards a small island with a small village on it, hoping that the soldiers that killed his folk would finish the job. He was again met with disappointment when he discovered that there were only fishermen living on this island, not a single trace of any soldiers. He spotted a little boy playing his recorder on the shore, but the noise was so horrendous that Alastor took the recorder from the boy and went on his way, ignoring the cries behind him. Being a penguin, he had no idea what to do, so he gave up on giving up and dedicated his life to being better than the little boy at playing the recorder. He had also learned of this magical instrument that was made of metal and shot pebbles at a high rate of fire, and made it a goal of his to acquire one for educational purposes. After waddling around town one day looking for either a small child to steal from or a metal gat machine, he received a letter from a strange man with a man-bun that was addressed to him. He didn’t read the entire letter, but Alastor accepted the quest anyway so that he could show them his sicc recorder skills and make some friends.  


Alastor and Kenneth set up a cottage to live in in the south of Mirha along the edge of Torvold's Forest. Alastor often tends to his flowers and gardens. Occasionally he tries to steal from passersby when Kenneth isn't around to stop him. He also aspires to run a large business to steal from people without them knowing (in particular a mattress store in the middle of the forest). After a while, Alastor started to go a little crazy and believed that crabs started a war against him after he stole Kenneth months ago. He has night terrors about the crabs. Kenneth sticks around most of the time to make sure Alastor doesn't kill himself or die in another way.


  • Frozen Dawn
  • Heart of the Sands

Played by Kristen

Chaotic Evil
Circumstances of Birth
The lone egg after his civilization was wiped out
Purophos, The Frosted Tips
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black and White
Maestro Bard 5
Alastor's Level 3 Character Sheet


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