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Morgan Resamire

"My Name is Morgan Resamire Born upon the Kingdom of Mirha. I was born in a small port town known as Nahzmir. My family was a low-class group of servants for a small temple of Milo. We lived mostly prosperous But one day the leader of the temple became corrupted by demons without anyone knowing. Causing Milo to abandon us. My mother and father both died within the famines that followed leaving me and my sister alone. I thought we were going to join our parents soon after the temple came and took us in. They trained us both to be monks under Milo even though many outside the temple believed that he still had abandoned us without reason. After several years of harsh and starvation, most of the town had become a ghost of that I was but I was happy as long as I had my only family besides me and the faith that I may one day hear Milo’s Voice within my prayers. But one day the leader of the temple called for my sister saying he had something to speak with her about the possibility of her being sent to Marshal on business that they had to. But as I was doing my routine guard route when I began to hear screaming from the High priest room. I rushed but by the time I got there, it was too late. I found him doing unmentionable things to my sister's corpse. Without a second doubt, I slew that foul man with my bare hands. The hatred that went through me as I continuously hit his corpse was overwhelming which allowed whispers from the depths to enter my mind pulling me in. Graciel's voice is all I heard mocking me telling me that this was all because of my weakness all of my beloved family died. I began to falter my soul was crushed but that's when It told me It could give me all the power I'll ever need to just serve it. I told him no, I serve Milo and I will never turn my back to him. So then I felt nothing but sharp pain. I was marked by Graciel and forced to hear its whisper. I soon was banished by my temple and forced to walk these roads on my own until now." -Morgan 5E-17  


After the events of session 5 of Heart of the Sands, Morgan ran away to Ronha where he was scouted out by Ormund to join the Order of the Bloodied One. He became a member of the cult, abandoning his god, Milo, and taking on the Bloodied One as his new diety.


  • Frozen Dawn
  • Heart of the Sands

Played by Javaughn

Chaotic Neutral
Dark Ash
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Brown
Follower of Milo (Formerly)
Follower of The Bloodied One
Ascendant Dragon Monk 4
Morgan's Level 3 Character Sheet


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