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Nights of Silver

Nights of Silver was the second campaign of Main Group B and took place in Fiha.  

The player characters in this campaign:

==Session One==

  • The next morning, the duo of Morihaus and Vil begin to depart from Farthal, saying goodbye to Davros and preparing for their new quest
  • They catch a ride on the cart that Penelope rode in on to deliver their letter from the queen
  • As the party rode south, they encountered the werewolf they had met previously, who handed them a sack of gold and metal scraps from some Brotherhood of Silver agents he killed, as he had no need for them
  • They continued on their way, traversing the path they had taken to get to Castle Forvolth in reverse, remembering all that had happened in the past few weeks
  • Upon reaching Blackfall, Morihaus quickly hopped off the carraige and ran into the inn to tell everyone that the white haired man with the treasure map had died.  He then promptly left as Vil drove the cart away with haste
  • As they went on, the two decided it would be best to skip stopping by Fort Westwind to get to Jormund faster
  • When they reached the capital city, the party was interrogated by the guards until Tiberius let them inside the city walls
  • Tiberius thanked Morihaus for coming and questioned Vil and Tyrrio being there instead of Nobody.  After all was explained, Tiberius gave the party the option of either manning the gates as the vanguard ot going deep into the city to protect the queen
  • Vil looked to Morihaus and they agreed to protect the queen until the siege was over
  • Tiberius sent them with a detachment of guards (one of which gave too much sass and was sent back to the wall) to the Queen's manor.  The party were in command of two guards (Will and Neil) and an elite knight (whose name they never learned)
  • Queen Tara Ironhearth exchanged pleasantries with the party and seemed to take particular interest in Vil 
  • Everyone holed up around the Queen's chambers, with Vil, Morihaus, and Tyrrio standing outside the door
  • After about half an hour, Neil came out of the room and pushed past the party, telling them he was headed to go piss, so Vil took his spot inside the room
  • About ten minutes later, everyone began to get suspicious as Neil had not come back yet
  • The queen sent Morihaus and Tyrrio to go check it out and find him.  After being wildly lead around by an energetic Tyrrio, Morihaus discovered Neil's bleeding body lying in the hallway just around the corner from the restrooms
  • Quickly, they ran back to the queen, who then asked them with the addition of Vil to search the property for the assailant
  • When going back out into the halls, the party heard a loud crash come from below them.  They ran downstairs to the kitchen, where there were pots, pans, blood, and fabric on the ground and no knives on the knife rack
  • Morihaus had Tyrrio follow the trail of blood and fabric as the duo followed closely behind
  • The trail led them upstairs again, but this time towards the game room, as they had seen a flash of black and blue from outside the window leading to that room
  • Upon entering, they saw a man covered in black and blue fabric, the very same they found in the kitchen earlier
  • As the party prepared to attack, they were jumped by a hidden assassin lurking in the shadows around the corner
  • The assassins fought skillfully in tandem, disorienting the party at every chance they could, however, they were no match for the pure might of Vil and excellent precision of Morihaus 
  • The first assassin was slain, sending the other into a frenzy, but soon he too fell to the righteous power of this unlikely group of friends
  • It was not a clean sweep however, as all three, Morihaus, Vil, and Tyrrio were all bruised and bleeding and in need of immediate care
  • They quickly looted the bodies for anything important, finding the Brotherhood of Silver contract that hired these assassin brothers to kill everyone and kidnap the queen, and set off some signal
  • The party reported the news as they heaved and fell over to the queen and her remaining guards.  The knight went on an attentive watch while the party recuperated
  • After a while, there was banging on the doors of the room and Tiberius came in.  He informed everyone that the siege was over and no general was leading the charge.  He thanked the party for protecting his queen and then jittered while his eyes went a cold blue.  He told them that they need to be in the city of Alta in a year and a half's time
  • The queen dismissed this weirdness and reward the party with gems and a metal seal that they can show to absolve them of wrongdoing by order of The Broken Queen.


  • In the year and a half until the party suppoedly needed to be in Alta, they went around Erie to do some exploring
  • First, they sailed to the former kingdom of Herceus and looted some Penguinfolk artifacts.  They also encountered a waystone there and gained its boon
  • They then set up a meadery in the West side of Rift called Thraash Grape
  • In their time settled down, raking in some extra income, they trained with their weapons to be more skilled than ever before and each gained a feat
  • As the date that Tiberius mentioned began approaching, they ventured across Iszha to make sure they would be in Alta at the right time
      To Be Continued In Bounty of the Damned...


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