Grommok Clan Ethnicity in Erilar | World Anvil

Grommok Clan

A clan of orcs from the north.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Uloth, Burub, Gharol, Agrob, Gashnakh, Snak, Bolar, Rogmesh, Agrob, Urzoth

Masculine names

Xunaakt, Olur, Rurbag, Yagak, Varguk, Cagan, Zurgug, Fogugh, Knagh, Prutha


Major language groups and dialects

Orcish, Common, Goblin

Common Dress code

Armour is only to be worn in battle, otherwise it is proudly displayed. Armour is not repaired, only replaced. Each crack, chip and hole tells a story of battle.

Art & Architecture

Usually cared out of bones from animals that werre hunted, or from the fallen enemies. Bones, skins and furs are also very useful building materials if you don't mind the smell.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Grommok Orcs greet each other by head-butting each other, if one is knocked over from this, they are seen as weak.

Coming of Age Rites

Those wishing to be seen as an adult in the clan must beat an adult of the clan, of their, choice in unarmed combat.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Cremation, burning up so the fighting spirit can be set free.

Common Taboos



Beauty Ideals

Beauty to the Grommok Clan is to be in plaque physical condition, the more physically fit you are, the more attractive you are.

Gender Ideals

There's no strict gender roles in the Grommok Clan, it is all down to how well you fight in battle and how physically strong you are. Biologically the males have an edge over the females when it comes to this, but it is common for Grommok women to be stronger and/or better fighters than their male counter parts.

Courtship Ideals

If a Grommok Orc is trying to court another, they will offer the biggest, fiercest game/foe up to the other as a trophy and as a symbol of their affection as well as show off their martial prowess

Relationship Ideals

The ideal relationship for a Grommock Orc is for their partner to be a good sparring partner so they can focus on bettering themselves and each other through combat.