Earthren Collections of Jewels and Stones

A Precious Tradition

For Earth Elementals certain jewels and stone hold special meaning. Sometimes this can come from the 'feeling' that only Earths can sense from various minerals and periodic elements. Othertimes it is the colour of the particular gem or stone that is why it is given as the marker for an event or rank. These jewels, gemstones, or just certain types of rock are given to an Earth over the course of their life, marking milestones and achievements.

Most Earth's either carry their collection with them in specially designed bracelets or gauntlets. Another method is to keep them in a display box at home, but this is less common. When an Earth does choose to keep the collection off their own person, it is often when they work away from home in danguerous conditions, where their collection may not be able to be recovered if they were to die. Even with the risk of losing the collection forever, many Earthren soliders do still carry their collections with them. For some, perhaps to try not to have jinxed their own demise. For others, it is more about enjoying the collection while they are still breathing, rather than making sure that the collection can be returned after they are gone.

The life story of an Earth can be told with the jewels they carry, and it is seen as the ultimate sign of disrespect to destroy them. Given the quick decomposition of Elemental bodies, as well as the long history of being unable to preserve the dead in any capablity, after an Earth has passed the collection serves to represent who they were. Even on the battlefield, Earths try their hardest to recover the collections of the fallen. At confirmation of death, the final stone is added to the person's collection. The white stone of Tuscendite that the Earth's strictly associate with death. The stone itself is considered very taboo, and most Earth's find even holding the stone in a gloved hand to be unsettling. Earthren cornor's, or other's in professions capable of declaring death, carry the stone sealed away, in a white bag, with a pair of thick white gloves. After the stone is set in, the collection is placed in a box, usually provided by surviving family members, and then burried in their famial plot in a cemeatary.

In modern times, a digital copy of what jewels someone has is kept, allowing future generations to look back and see what happened in a relative's or important figure's life. It also had the benefit of allowing family members to recreate the collection if it was to be destroyed or unrecoverable.

Meanings and Jewels (WIP)

Onyx: The pure black version of agate, it is the first gemstone an Earth will receive. It is given to their parents at birth.
Saradorite: Exclusive to the Earthren continent. Similar to opal, but the colours reflected in this black gemstone are purple and green. It is given after a child's awakening ceremony.
Cassiterite: While it is a tin ore, it is a black stone that has a metallic lustre. It is given after a child has bonded with their Dragon.
Lavender levyena: Exclusive to the Earthren continent. A gemstone that is a mix between lavender and black. It is given as a sign of reaching Adulthood at age 11.
Hematite: A black iron ore, this stone is given after one joins the military.
Euxkerite: Exclusive to the Earthren continent. A green crystal like gemstone. Given to one after they take mining as their career.
Green Sunstone: A glassy gemstone, which is clear on the edges, but has a concentrated green colour in the middle. Given to one after they take farming of plants as their career.
Amethyst: A dark purple gem. Given to one after they take farming of animals as their career.
Purple Fluorite: A purple crystal. Given to one after they take a career in medical.
Lidesia: Exclusive to the Earthen continent. A gem stone that is black with layers of white. Given to one after they take a career in justice or law. Marriage jewels are unique in the fact that they are shaped into hearts for both partners. Tanzanite is used to represent women, and is a purple crystal that matches the colour of Earthren women's magic. Green Tourmaline is used to represent men, it is a green crystal that matches the colour of Earthren men's magic. For marriages between two women, the heart is pure Tanzanite, and pure Tourmaline for two men. For marriages that involve those of the other Elementals only the Earthren partner receives a heart. A ruby is used in the heart to represent marriage to a male Fire and a pink garnet for a female, a blue topaz for a female Lightning and a blue sapphire for a male, and White Zircon for a female Ice and Danburite for males. Children had is represented by smaller gems of either Tanzanite or Tourmaline, usually placed around the heart representing marriage. For mixes, two gems of the representing stone will be each cut into half a circle, and then placed in the same place a full circle would have rested.
Tuscendite: Exclusive to the Earthren continent. An opaque pure white stone. It is the final stone added to a person's collection before it is buried and is firmly associated with death and order.

Special Gemstones

Not all things that call for a gemstone are normal life events however, the following jewels are all used to represent the unusual.

  White Opal: Given the Earthren association with the colour of white with death, the ideas that follow with this white gem that reflects multiple colours. For the Earths this stone is given to a person who has lived through the events of a world war.
Black Star Diopside: A black stone that reflects a four-rayed star shape. Given to a person who belongs to the Military Council.
Serendibite: A black gemstone, given to a person that belongs to the Judicial Council.
Purple Garnet: A purple gemstone. Given to a person that belongs to the government council.
Kunzite: A glassy violet gem. Given to a person that belongs to the high ranks of medical.


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