Elected Premier

Do you think the Premier actually cares about what our Minister has to say, or do you think all that matters in the end is what the people of Ellisree want?

The elected Premier is a rank unique to Tierra, as the other premiers across the world are usually appointed by the Royals of their country. They serve both as a minister of the province, as well as the province's figurehead, and make appeals to the Royals on behalf of their constituents, often hoping to sway budgets in their favour.


To become the Premier, one must be an adult, a citizen of Tierra, and have not been declared guilty of any serious criminal acts.


The election for Premier occurs 3 months after the elections for the ministers of the various regions of the province. This allows the elected ministers to decide with whether they will also run to be primer. The votes are counted, and then the winner is chosen.

There is a ceremony in the province's capital's largest courthouse where the Premier is sworn in, witnessed by a judge.


The Premier is to advocate for the entirety of the province's inhabitants, whether they voted for them or not, and bring forth their issues and needs to the Royal family. They also are required to be the one to listen to the other ministers and divide up funding, resources, and soldiers between the various regions with the province.


Premiers are provided personal guards for them, and their family members. As well, they are provided a sizeable wage for their duties, and are provided Enigma Crystals for their frequent travel to and from their province and the capital.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

If the Premier is found guilty of any criminal offensives during their term, they will immediately be forced to cease their term as Premier, and will no longer be able to be reelected. A Royal can also make the motion to have them removed. While this does need to be confirmed through a judge that agrees that they have acted against their duties, for example, attempting to sway the Royal family for motions that would assist a family member specifically, it can and has been done. The other primers can also vote to have a judge make a decision if they believe themselves that the Premier has acted against their duties.
Form of Address
Premier (Surname)
Source of Authority
Authority comes from acting on the will of the constituents they represent
Length of Term
5 years, there is no maximum amount of terms one can hold the position


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Aug 18, 2024 06:06 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

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