Elemental Spiritual Sayings

By Tiana, you are a moron....
— A mid-facepalm Elemental Spiritualist
  By the much greater significance that the Elemental Mothers' names have for Elemental Spiritualists, it shouldn't be surprising that they end up being said much more often than others would mention them. The exact saying a Spiritualist uses does depend on whether they believe in the Mothers' having control over a certain domain, or only referring to their Mother in particular. Uses differ from small prayers of thankfulness, to the rudest insult. A sample of these is below, divided by the Mother's name they invoke and ordered from positive to negative implications.

For worshippers of Scarlett

May Scarlett bless your hunt.
Scarlett, be with me (when trying to flirt with someone).
Mother Scarlett, bring you the ferocity to hunt your enemies for their crimes.
May Scarlett's flames burn you to ash, so that I may dance upon the ashes.

For worshippers of Tiana

May Tiana be with you (A small prayer for protection).
Thank you, may Tiana judge you as well as I do.
Tiana still your spirit (A request that Tiana bring the person serenity/calm in trying times).
By Tiana's name, stop that.
Let Tiana judge you harshly in death.

For worshippers of Vetra

May Vetra guide your travels (wishing someone a quick trip)
Vetra my mind is yours (to ask for inspiration)
I wish that Vetra will see to your dreams soon (To wish that someone will have inspiration in dreams)
Vetra be with you now, because your feet certainly need her presence (when stuck behind someone in the grocery store)
Vetra strike you down for your insolence.

For worshippers of Lumi

Lumi is with me this day (after seeing one's appearance in the mirror)
May Lumi wash away the impure from this world


May Cyrene be with you all this year (cheer for the start of the next seasonal cycle)


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Aug 12, 2024 01:46

Blessings is a nice take on the prompt. It might be interesting to include some insults or curses too.