Elemental Spiritualist's Methods of Worship

May you guide my blade to my enemies throats, and allow the flames coursing through my veins to burn them to ash as you have ordered me, Queen Scarlet.
— A battle prayer spoken quietly to the metal of a blade
  For as many Elemental Spiritualists as there are, there are as many ways to worship, and communicate with the Mothers' they feel so connected to. For some, a quick word here and there. To others, they never truly speak a word. Some feel they can best reach those they want to connect to through meditating and using their magic. Even further are those that prefer to use actual movement, fighting, dances. But somehow each individual finds what they believe to be best.

There is no regimented guidelines to Elemental Spiritualism, and so there are no rules on the rituals one makes to worship the Mothers'. Aside from one common belief that it is a personal choice, and discovery that each believer must journey to find. Methods of belief are generally only shared if someone inquiries first, or spoken aloud as a moment to be shared even with those that do not feel the same.

As always with the Spiritualists, whether the person believes they can only exchange with the Mother related to their species, or that all the Mothers are willing to listen to issues regarding their specific domains changes which rituals they participate in.

Spoken Prayers

The most subtle of the four main 'categories' of worship, prayers can be verbal or non-verbal. Usually these are requests, asking for a power or for a change to occur on the world. In some cases, this also involves requests for curses, which are often spoken, loudly, and directly at the person who has done wrong/generally been an annoyance.

Within the prayer, the Mother's may be referred to either as Mother or Queen.


Meditation for Elemental Spiritualists is very similar to that of any other Elemental meditating. They sit in a quiet space, usually one decorated to be closer to either their element or to the Mother they are hoping to connect with, and then turn their attention inward. Feeling towards the Elemental magic that sits at the core of their being. This is said to bring them closer to the Mothers, usually their own species' Mother, and that wanting to be with them even if they are so much more than the magic within their own being, is an act of worship of its own. Most describe it as a peaceful experience, bringing comfort in times of need with someone that they believe understands and knows them better. Through a method that is not held back by the filter of speech.


Actively preforming magic can be a form of worship if it is done with the intention of doing so. Lighting a sword aflame before resting it on your knees for a prayer, planting a seed and growing it, creating a storm cloud, or building a sculpture of the Mothers out of ice. Whatever the magic used, it is believed that magic is given from the Mothers, and that by using their gift, you can feel them within it.


This one is often closely tied to the act of using magic, but involves much more than just the magic alone. Dancing, fighting and flying all fall into this. There is no requirement for it to be public at all, and to on lookers it might not look like anything in particular. But what matters is that the believer themselves feels that this is what they do to worship, or to gain favour from the Mothers. Dancing and fighting are done most of all by those looking to worship Scarlet, and flying is almost entirely done by those wanting to worship Vetra.


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Aug 12, 2024 11:02

Great article! Now I'm curious about the whole religion. Is there an application form or something?