Eternal Storms

What's not to love? The crackle of the electricity running through your veins? The rumble that shakes your organs? Or the wind that beats the seawater against your skin?
— A Storm surfer Lightning observing a storm with their friend
Maybe start with your first sentence and work your way down the list... I'll watch from inside.
— Their non-Lightning friend
  A constant reforming mass of Lightning magic fuelled storms, the eternal storms, constantly develop around the peninsula of Tora. Bringing with them storm surges, flooding, and constant lightning strikes. Dangerous, for those who don't also have Lightning magic constantly coursing through them. For the majority of Tora's inhabitants, however, the Eternal storms are a source of joy and amusement. With the storm surfers constantly going out to fly in them when they move overhead, being whipped around by the winds and eventually wiping out. Falling, a deadly distance, for any other species. The storm surfers however happily join with the rest of the lightning strike, slamming into the ground as a bolt of electricity. Laughing and bowing as they stand up.

The storms move over the peninsula, losing energy as they come over land before moving back out to the ocean, always returning as strong as they once were. They never truly dissipate either, always visible even if they get close to returning to a regular old storm. They can be monitored well enough, with the storm surfers constantly looking at their notifications, and those of other species living in Tora being mindful of when they arrive, so that they can get in doors. For the Lightnings of Tora, it's good luck to get struck by lightning by a storm without trying to. But it's doubtful anyone else would view a full strike and one billion volts of electricity moving through them that way. Not everyone is so lucky to conduct electricity as well as a Lightning does. Or have nearly hydrophobic hair and skin that becomes dry with a shake or two.


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