Mixed Elemental

A.K.A Mixes

Mixes, people of two elements. A source of great controversy throughout history. I once met a terrorist who was so determined that the mixes were wrong that she even screamed it at me while I was ██████████████. Perhaps if she wasn't so determined to fix this supposed problem, she wouldn't have ended up like that in the first place. Personally, it doesn't really matter who decides to love whom, even if those people are different Elementals. And the fact that Fire-Ice mixes don't exist is just something for science to improve upon.
— Dr. Raven Jen
  Unlike other Elementals, mixes aren't actually their own species. Instead, they are both of their parental Elementals at the same time. Or at least varying degrees. Every Mix is more of one of the Elements that makes them up, and will generally show traits of said "dominate" Element. Their existence represents interspecies relations, which have over history been controversial. This is in addition to where the Mixes's loyalties lie.   There are no mixes of more than two Elements, and mixes can have children that are a single Element. Their abilities, apperance, strengths and weaknesses all vary according to what their heritage is. Below will follow an overview of all the types of Mixes.

Fire Elemental Dominate mixes

When a Mix is Fire dominate, the Fire Element tends to overpower the expression of the other Element. That is, Fire dominate Mixes will always have the glowing eyes and the long canines, as well as the ability to get rushed. As such, when a Fire is actually a Mix, it comes as a surprise to most. Usually to some Earth who thought that they'd handle the problem of angering a Fire by suffocating them a bit, only to find out that said "Fire" is actually a Fire-Earth Mix or Fire-Lightning Mix.   Fire-Earth Mixes can be noticed by their behaviour, which is generally more relaxed and tolerant when compare to the Fires. These mixes will take the hair colouring of their Earthren parent, which by itself isn't that noticeable given the wide variety of Firen hair colouring. These Mixes are capable of building more muscle volume than the standard Fire, but they still are not capable of any amount close to an Earth.   Fire-Lightning Mixes don't stand out much, aside from usually being of a willowy build and having a light hair colour from their Lightning parent. They are generally much more hyper than a standard Fire, as well as more inventive. This inventiveness could take the form of creating new technology and the like, but a Fire-Lightning Mix has more of a penchant for pranks and new ways to kill things. They normally keep their Firen parent's penchant for being active at night, but find themselves capable of switching to diurnal practices relatively easily.   Mixes in Firen society are generally thought of as either an asset or just another person. Fire-Lightning mixes are harder to take down with Earth or Ice magic than either of the Elementals they are descendant of, and therefore make for good troops to take out Earths on that battlefield. Fire-Earth mixes are similar as well, and are happily provided giant swords to swing around on the battlefield. Their ability to use Earth magic makes them an asset to Firen Local Forces when it comes to controlling the population.  

Earth Elemental Dominate Mixes

Earth dominate Mixes show their heritage much more clearly, in the sense that it's hard to hide being part Fire or Ice for long. Or being blonde. Or having two different eye colours when using magic.   Earth-Fire Mixes are generally noticeable by either the fact that they have glowing eyes, or the fact that they have long canine teeth. These mixes will never have both of these traits. Those with glowing eyes can participate more in Firen body language than those without, but both lack the complete telepathic speech that standard Fires have. They are also unable to get rushed, which is a good or a bad thing, depending on whose looking at it. These Mixes may or may not have the high body temperature of their Firen parent. When using magic, Earth-Fire mixes usually are better at volatile Earthren magic rather than magic such as growing plants.   Earth-Lightning Mixes are easy to spot if they inherited their Lightning parent's hair colour or eye colour. Otherwise, their features are subtle. A willowy build is usually the other most noticeable trait. If not, their more hyper nature and lack of a fear of heights is the most telling sign. While certainly not as wild as Fire-Lightning Mixes, Earth-Lightning mixes often push the envelope among the Earths for inventing new technology.   Earth-Ice Mixes are likely the most stable of Earth Mixes. Crystalline eyes are common, or shimmery skin. They don't inherit their Ice parent's skin tone, but it's rather hard to hide that your skin glitters in the light. Most Earth-Ice Mixes keep their Ice parent's attraction to shiny objects, and often collect the shiniest rocks and gems they can. Occasionally they will display the apathy that the Ice have, but it's not the most common trait. Most are more calm, and less uncaring and more not easily riled up. Earth-Ice mixes aren't sensitive to heat as much as the Ice are, but still have a much higher risk of heat-stroke.   Earthren society jumps around a lot on their opinion on Mixes. Either an Earth will think Mixes are perfectly fine, or have a serious problem with them. Most Mixes in Earthren society find themselves either being protected overly by others, promoted because the company wants to make a point about how much they don't hate them, or hated, the target of violence, blacklisted and kept in low positions in the workforce. There is a general sense of distrust with Mixes, believing they will betray the Earths for their other lineage, and so they are rarely trusted with positions of power.  

Lightning Elemental Dominate Mixes

Similar to Earths, Lightning dominate Mixes show their other Element quite clearly. Mixes that display dark coloured hairs, Firen traits or Ice traits are noticed quickly by the population.   Lightning-Fire Mixes are similar to Earth-Fire mixes, in that they cannot get rushed and will display either long canine teeth or glowing eyes. Those with glowing eyes can better communicate with Fires through body language, but not being Firen dominate means they lack the ability to have full telepathy. Lightning-Fire Mixes always have their Firen parents high-body temperature, and are rather wild in their behaviour. Unlike standard Lightnings, they find themselves easily frustrated by issues in their projects, and jump between many projects because of their frustration, not their curiosity. They are rather prone to throwing things at people when this happens. Similar to the other dominate of this type, Lightning-Fire mixes tend to be awake during the day, but find it easy to flip this schedule around.   Lightning-Earth Mixes tend to stand out if the Mix received their Earthren parent's hair colour. Otherwise, they are relatively the same as most Lightnings at first glance. They are significantly calmer than most Lightnings, and tend to prefer the study of natural sciences. Especially those related to plants, that allow them to be near the ground.   Lightning-Ice mixes, seen easily in the bright daylight sun, with their shimmering skin and crystalline eyes. They have an increased resistance to heat compared to their Ice parent, and generally are more self-centred than their Lightning parent. Most inventions made by these Mixes focuses on improving life for themselves, and less about advancing knowledge for all the Lightnings. They lack their Ice parent's cold body temperature.   Lightnings both distrust Mixes because of the heritage, but also don't care much about doing something about it. The knowledge they show, and the inventions they provide to advance society, are more important to them. As such, it doesn't matter if most Lightning's believe Mixes don't make inventions as good, they'll accept them anyway. And since this is a misconception, that means as long as a Mix doesn't believe the lies, they'll be accepted like everyone else.  

Ice Elemental Dominate Mixes

Let's just get it out of the way. Being a Mix around the Ice sucks. It doesn't matter if you're not Ice dominate. In fact, your life will suck even more if you're not. Regardless, the best thing to do is get away from the Ice, and go join any other faction. Even the Earths.   Ice-Earth Mixes tend to have dark hair and a calm attitude. They aren't easily riled up about things as the Ice are, and usually lack the Ice tolerance of drama. As mixes, they are rather stable, usually holding a good grasp on both their Elemental powers. Being part Earth, they have a slightly higher tolerance for heat, but they still can't stand it as much as an Earth-Ice mix could. For all the Mixes, an Ice-Earth mix has the highest chance of being able to pass as a "pure" Ice.   Ice-Lightning Mixes tend to inherit their Lightning parent, willowy physique. They also tend to be very unstable. Most Ice-Lightnings hold onto part of the invention loving part of their Lightning side, but prefer to focus on anything that will help them make luxury goods faster. They move too quick for the Ice, and too slow for the Lightnings, and their quick talking usually lands them in trouble in Ice society. Ice-Lightnings tend to keep the gracefulness of their Ice parent physically, but lack it socially.   The Ice are likely the most cruel to the Mixes that live among them, given their focus on "purity". They do not appreciate the Mixes as a sign that an Ice has had relations with another type of Elemental. In Ice society, most Mixes are forced into military service, and their parents often either join them or are executed. At least in these modern times. Occasionally the Ice aren't this bad.  

Fire-Ice and Ice-Fire Mixes

It should be noticeable that neither of these mixes is on the above list. And the easy, comfortable reason is that they don't exist. Fire magic and Ice magic do not mix, and if they do, they turn volatile. The other issue is that if a Fire and an Ice have intercourse, the Ice dies. If the Ice was the male, then fertilization will not occur because Firen internal temperature is too high. Basically, if a Fire and an Ice love each other very much, it's a horrible tragedy that is never going to end well.   Lots of speciest Elementals out there try to use this lack of mixing as an excuse to "fix" the existence of the other Mixes. This is simply a ridiculous excuse made up by horrible people.


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