Runes of the Elemental Mothers

A focus of the belief for the Elemental Spiritualists, and powerful magical symbols for everyone, the Runes of the Elemental Mothers' are a critical component in many important spells, including the awakening ceremony. They also serve as the symbols of the high authorities of the world of Erina, representing the Royal Families. To the spiritual, the runes act as either a way to invoke the attention of the Mother's, or drawn to bring forth their protection. While they are attributed to the 5 Elementals Mothers, and one for Kali, it is unknown who actually created them.

The surrounding myths almost seem to imply that the Elemental realm that each type of Elemental magic flows from already had the runes there. That they simply appeared, glowing on each of the four leaders of the Elementals, once the Gold of each of these realms 'chose' them. But some refute this, suggesting that they had to be created by a person, though it likely was one of the Mothers. Two groups within this thought exist, those that believe it was Cyrene who first drew the runes, or those that still attribute the runes to their individual Mothers. Given the open nature of Elemental Spiritualism, there is no firm belief that Spiritualists must have in this regard. Though, most seem to attribute them either to the realms themselves, or that each individual created them personally.

There likely will never be an end to this debate on their creation. But their significance to all Elementals is vast. Each rune is a powerful symbol of pure magic, and even written on a piece of paper in pencil hold a small amount of this power. For Spiritualists, they feel a deep connection to the Mothers when they draw them, and incorporate them in meditation or in art.   The runes are as follows:

Scarlett Lovette's rune. The Mother of Fires. Invokes the domains of flames, chaos and passion. This is usually divided down into war, love, lust, hate, and anger. The rune lights up with red sparks when invoked in a ritual on its own, and becomes a flame when drawn using fire magic charged niard paste. When the runes are all drawn together, Scarlett's is always drawn to the north.

Tiana Fairisles' rune. The Mother of Earths. Invokes the domain of the land, order, peace, justice, and serenity. The rune always lights up with the two colours of Earth magic, green and purple. When the runes are all drawn together, Tiana's is always drawn to the east.

Vetra Elektra's rune. The Mother of Lightnings. Invokes the domain of the sky, storms, electricity, change, and innovation. The rune crackles with blue Lightning magic when drawn. When the runes are all drawn together, Vetra's is always drawn to the west.

Lumi Chione's rune. The Mother of the Ice. Invokes the domain of the cold, beauty, pride, vanity, and apathy. The rune lights up with a white light, and immediately causes whatever it is on to become cold when drawn. Ice starts to form from it if it is drawn using Ice magic charged niard paste. When all the runes are drawn together, Lumi's is always placed to the south.

The two more rare runes follow. For those that use them for utility, these runes are hardly used, as they don't generally fall into the scope the user intends to use. One spell that uses them is the awakening ceremony. Outside this, the majority of those that use these are Royals. The others are Elemental Spiritualists honouring the twin Mothers.

Cyrene Amaryllis' rune. The Mother of Nature. Invokes the domain of nature, cycles, unity, as well as life and death. Most Elementals would recognize the symbol as being used by the Elemental Coalition, rather than a specific spell. When drawn, the symbol lights up with Gold and all four of the Elemental magic colours.

Kali Amaryllis' rune. The Mother of Power. Invokes the domain of Golden power, energy, and magic. It is commonly seen as a symbol of the Royals, since they are the one's that can use Golden energy, and through them that the Gold flows to the rest of their species. The rune sparkles with Golden energy when drawn. When drawn with the other runes, it is always drawn in the middle.


Author's Notes

All the images in the article were created by me.

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