Sparky's Gaming Cafe

Did you remember to reserve our table at Sparky's? Or is this going to be a repeat of last week...
With a large variety of gaming set-ups, large tables and an even larger collection of board games, Sparky's easily found its way into being a beloved place for a wide variety of Lightnings to get out of the house. Its locations have become a hub where even those that are the most focused on working on private projects are free to come out for a few drinks and a laugh or two. As long as they pay the 15 fee to play.

Each Sparky's location is set up similarly. There are two floors, the first mainly focuses on board games, so the floor is well lit, tables of varying sizes are set up, and a few private rooms behind glass doors with large tables for gaming groups to rent out. The floors are covered in wood vinyl, which continues up to the shelves that seem to cover every single wall minus the large windows interspersed. Each shelf is packed with all sorts of board games, from the most difficult strategy, to the easiest versus, It's hard to not get lost within the café for many more hours than you were intending to. Sparky's staff know how to play the majority of their games, and usually are able to guide with any of the new ones. So many people stick to brand-new games, testing them out before they go to purchase them on their own.

The café is also located here, offering various fruity drinks, a wide selection of caffeinated drinks from the hot to the cold and snacks. Many of the drinks available are themed around popular games. With the captive audience, many of these drinks are well over-priced. But they are still purchased, even by those that may grumble about it. You won't last long playing games if your throat gets dry, or you get hungry. And sure, you could go out and walk across the street to get something that is better value. Sparky's and you both know that you won't though. To make it easier to justify ordering a bowl of popcorn at three times its original price, Sparky's provides a tab for each customer that they pay at the end. Let future you deal with the sticker shock instead.

Back when I was a Juvi, I would always try to scare those little kids away, worried they'd ruin the vibe. Now, though, it's a competition to see who can have the most kids watching over your shoulder and cheering for you.

Upstairs, the environment changes. With a focus on play on computers, and various set-ups of gaming systems, this floor is dimly lit. The floor panels light up when you step on them (provided you are a Lightning). Tables are set up with various games, and everything lights up with a classic RGB glow around the blue Crystal-tec computers floating in front. For those tired of dealing with mics, your one friend's terrible internet lagging the whole game down, and the isolation of playing alone in your bedroom, Sparky's provides a great space to meet up and play together. There are smaller nooks with computers and systems that have bean bags instead of actual chairs, perfect for those who want to chill more than intensely game. And for those wanting to order some snacks, the Sparky's app for your Multi lets you order without requiring your absence.

Similar to the lower floor, the upper floors systems come preinstalled with games, allowing you to try them out, or just avoid having to convince your friends to all by that 100 game (or having to buy the game yourself six times).

Clientele and Atmosphere

Sparky's attract all sort of people, from the intense gamer's to a family that wants to play a few board games with their fledglings without breaking the bank. It creates a lively atmosphere, with kids running around, cheers of shared victories, or cackles from ultimate betrayals. And you never know who is going to walk over to your table and ask if they could join. Could be your new best friend, or just someone whose story you'll learn over too many energy drinks and that popcorn that you covered in too much dill powder and makes you sneeze with every bite.

The Outside Look

Each location is a little different on the outside depending on where in a city it ends up. But the main consistency is the big logo of Sparky the dragon over the door, and the lightning bolts and dice decals on the first floor windows. If there are windows on the second floor, they are complete covered with little advertisements for new games.

The logo for Sparky's is their mascot of a lightning dragon, but with a stylized cute aesthetic. The dragon sipping from a cup in the design of a 20 sided die, while wearing headphones. Every location sells little Sparky merch, the most popular being a stuffy version.
Original Location Opening Date
October 18, 4181
Original Location
Skywell, Torra
Sunday to Thursday: 10:00-23:00
Friday and Saturday: 10:00-1:00
Alternative Names


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