Steel-Gold Alloys

Given the expense of using pure Gold, and the weakness of steel (in regard to surviving Elementals), this alloy is a perfect blend to allow a significantly cheaper metal that still has the benefits of using Gold. Able to withstand great temperatures, and unable to be forced out of its shape. Once created, this alloy becomes nearly indestructible. Its only drawback is that it does not contain enough Gold on its own to be honed into a blade that can cut Elemental flesh, and Steel-Gold alloys are still heavier than Gold and Black Steel because of the large component of the steel that it contains. For all other purposes it serves, where using Gold would be far too expensive.   The alloy looks similar to steel, except for the gold sparkles that can be seen in its reflection. Similar to the Gold, it can only be moulded by a Smith to alter the Gold distributed within, after which the steel between the areas of Gold can be heated or cut. It doesn't stain, rust, or corrode.

It is an important core material in Firen Entropy blades, and prior to the invention of Black Steel, it was used in the creation of firearms and large weaponry. While the exact composition of Black Steel is a guarded recipe, it is known that Steel-Gold alloys served as its original base before being crafted.

Given the Alloys use less Gold, and are generally used to make things less expensive, they are generally associated with more rugged or cheaper items. It generally isn't the material that people would use or buy to show their wealth. Instead, it's the material used to create normal household items, like kitchen knife cores.
Like metal
Grey with Gold sparkles within
Boiling / Condensation Point
Melting / Freezing Point
Common State


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