Eris (Obsolete)

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Eris is Marko Burns' Second world. Designed for use in Fantasy campaigns on the DnD5e/Pathfinder TTRPG systems, This world aims to Maintain the security of standard tropes for the most part, whilst more carefully stepping out some new ideas without compromising everything. My previous world, Incillius, acts as a precursor world to this one in both lore and meta. its Information will be detailed here. Eris itself is merely a major continent on the larger, yet unnamed world. Exploration to find other continents have always ended in abject failure due to sheer distance or the expedition ships going missing over the horizon. Five nations reign over the continent of Eris, The Raider tribes of Retra, the Civilized Industrialist humans of the Kingdom of Cortia, The Free Peoples of the Public of Lentumia, The Karnathol Empire, and the Elven lands of Ilthar. Each kingdom has experienced tension in the past, and several experience the abrasiveness of each other's borders yet now. Now, the entire land stands on the edge of multiple catastrophes; each only curable by adventurers.   Eris' history of adventurers is rich and deep, many heroes, leaders and villains are former adventurers, ad the one organization uniting even the most adversarial nations is the Erisian Adventurer's guild.


Liberation: Karnathol

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

A party seeks to restore peace and prosperity to Karnath-Ol

Looking for Players