Blessed Aurium

Hallowed Gold

"Of course someone had to try gold, it's known as a metal which does not tarnish. But aurium requires a great deal more for such a limited effect. Expensive, rare, and difficult to use... humans really are fools."
— Thalamar Stonefist, Priest of Pendelholm
  After the discovery of the Umbral Realms became broadly known, controversy began to spread as there was no attempt to enter realms belonging to the gods. More importantly, it was believed divine assistance was needed to protect oneself in such a dark place. Even as Myrisian Sages began to try explaining the nature of the Umbral Realm, priests all across Erisdaire started attempting to create something which would suit as protection. Several of these attempts were made, including etchings of prayer passages on armor, vials of holy water, or annointed holy symbols worn around the neck. Most of these proved ineffective in staying the effects of shadow fugue, and actually proved to be a worse solution by giving individuals the strong belief they were protected.

Eventually something was found to work, a material created by layering prayers and enchantments on pure gold which would then be worked into whatever final form was needed. The process was made by priests residing on the Exalted Island, and requires several moons to prepare for use. This material became known as "blessed aurium", after the ancient word for gold. Elves call it "ascienticella", a compound word roughly translated to hallowed gold. Despite the process being taught to many priests who serve the gods, it is only manufactured and sold on the Exalted Island. It is believed this is due to the expense and time needed to properly prepare the aurium, so only those who are in true need will make the journey.

Objects made from blessed aurium are effective in staying the effects of shadow fugue for a time, though it is not a foolproof protection. Blessed aurium will show signs of corrosion over time as the effects of the Umbral Realm slowly eat away at the magic. It was once popular to make thread from the blessed aurium and use it to decorate clothing, until it was discovered there was a limit to the protective properties. Now it is far more popular to make objects which can be easily inspected for this decay, to at least warn of the impending failure. Most people will take it with them in the form of symbols of faith, or signet rings showing whom they swear fealty to.


The Limits of Faith

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Blessed aurium is effective at preventing the onset of shadow fugue, or mitigating the severity of its effects for a time, while also giving a mild protection to demonic influences. However, its protective qualities against such things is not infinite nor perfect. While demons find it more difficult to affect people protected by aurium, devils often bypass it due to their more insidious powers often requiring a direct link to the individual. It is possible to willingly allow effects to pass through the protection of aurium, either consciously or without being aware of it. All that is needed is to invite the effort, or to want an attack to happen, and the aurium's protective quality is weakened.

Furthermore, aurium does not protect one against undead, other extraplanar entities, or divine servants of deities other than your own. Faerie creatures from the Faeweald do not often find it difficult to circumvent the protection, as their efforts are often centered on making a pact or contract - very similar to devils in that aspect. It is also possible for the protection to be completely voided by offending the deity of the one who enchanted the gold in the first place. This is in keeping with one basic limitation of divine magic: whether or not it is helpful is entirely dependent on the whims of divine beings.

It should be noted there are similar materials crafted through arcane means which have a similar protective quality, and are slower to degrade. They have their own limitations and troubles, however, and that should be described in their own times. It is enough to say blessed aurium is the only well-known protection against the pervasive corruption of the Umbral Realms.

Very Rare


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