Cerdian Scorpion Species in Erisdaire | World Anvil

Cerdian Scorpion

"I've never known insects to have temperaments, but I can assure you Cerdian scorpions are some of the nastiest bugs you'll have to deal with. Aggressive, territorial, and they're burrowers so you might not actually know you've trespassed until something the size of a horse comes out of the ground at you. They say people used to raise these for the venom, but I can't see it."
— Dylan Ferthal, Imperial Naturalist
  While most insects are not very large, there are several species which are on an entirely different scale. Among the dangerous ones is the Cerdian scorpion, named for the Cerdian Wastes where the first recorded encounter happened. Scholars have found slightly different subspecies across most of Erisdaire, usually taking to dry and dark places. This naturally puts them in the path of adventurers who delve caves and underground ruins, which is unfortunate for both the scorpions and adventurers. These confrontations usually end up with one or the other dead, and considering a nest of Cerdian scorpions can contain up to thirty individuals there is a good chance the adventurers will not be the survivors.

The most notable aspects of Cerdian scorpions are their size and their venom, both of which are part of what make them dangerous to encounter. Adult specimens can have a body roughly the same size as a riding horse, though naturally weighing less. This makes the claws and bite a serious danger to human-sized individuals, and the scorpion's stinger has been known to pierce through hardened leather. Metal armor will still stop it, though the stinger's point is fine enough that it can slide through chain or find the leather gaps in plate. Similarly, the chitinous exterior is tough enough that it takes a seriously sharp edge or point to break through. The combination of these factors make the Cerdian scorpion a deadly foe for most adventurers not prepared for it.

The venom itself is a paralytic, making muscles tense up hard before relaxing and becoming unresponsive. A sting to a limb may not be fatal immediately, as the injected amount of venom is surprisingly little for such a large creature. But a sting to the center of mass can cause vomiting and an inability to breathe, not to mention the heart stopping under the paralytic effects. Most basic antivenoms can treat someone and prevent death if administered in time, though this is reported to leave "one terrible hangover".


Ceridian Antivenom

  Alchemists and apothecaries have found a way to alter the venom for medicinal purposes, which includes the obvious antivenom to alleviate symptoms of a sting. Other creations are a liquid suspension which can induce vomiting safely, or an injection which can cause a spasm of the lungs which expels water from someone who is drowning. Lastly, side effects of the antivenom can be useful in preventing some poisons from killing those afflicted. If it were not for the serious trouble acquiring venom to start with, this particular antivenom would be commonly issued across Erisdaire. Instead it is far easier to rely on herbal-based remedies which are slower to take effect, but safer to cultivate.

Geographic Distribution


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