Dark Faeries

The Dark Side of Wonder

"You won't see them coming. And if you do, then there is probably nothing you can do about it. If you're fortunate, you might only lose something which you'll never notice. If you're unfortunate, you'll never notice what you lost. This is not the same thing."
— Cereth Holimion, Gate Warden
  The Faeweald is a realm which has many different inhabitants altered by the strong magical energies present. When people mention "faeries" or "the fair folk", often this brings to mind elves or pixies. Both dwell in the Faeweald, though the elves do not tend to live there for their whole existence. There a great many more beings which exist and can be classified as "faerie", having origins leading to (or from) the realm of the Faeweald. Just as the Faeweald isn't all a vibrant forest, its inhabitants are not all pleasant company. There are the dark faerie to worry about.

Most of the elves who spend time in the Faeweald are aware of beings which are born from negative impulses, a twisted reflection of Erisdaire's inhabitants. Scholars believe such things are normally found in the Umbral Realm, however the Faeweald has a high probability of spontaneously creating beings of a similar style. These are the dark faerie, created in sections of the Faeweald where negative impulses are more readily represented. Greed, avarice, jealousy, lust... these emotions can just as easily have locations form from them as they can from dreams of places which never were. And the dark faerie created from these locations do not always take a simple form.

Dark faerie take a form which is influenced by whatever their region in the Faeweald is like, though they can also alter their form when necessary. They are aggressive towards non-native entities, but they do not seek to kill or even harm their targets unless struck at first. The existence of a dark faerie requires feasting on negative impulses, and the means of 'feeding' is different for each instance. Some require physical contact and leave their target aware of what happened, though often unable to stop it. Others can simply draw in their meals by being in the presence of the emotions, and faerie of such styles of feeding leave their prey unwilling to stop it. Lastly, there are those who feed by striking up a bargain - a seemingly-inocuous question or offer of assistance with "a price" attached.

Geographic Distribution


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