Ruari's Chosen

The Inner Circle

"I shall serve my lord Ruari, whether it be with my life, my death, or anything between. So do I solemnly swear..."
— Karne One-Eyed, Chosen of Ruari
  The dragon Ruari Auricama has long cultivated followers across many eras, but among those there were individuals trusted to take it a step further. These people were chosen to keep many secrets and undertook tasks which were often difficult for Ruari to do personally while keeping his influences hidden. As such, many members would pick up skills allowing them to operate as warriors, assassins, or spies as needed. This group became known as "Ruari's Chosen", though they preferred not to call themselves that. Rather, they would use the words "the inner circle" to make it less clear who they actually served. Ruari himself usually used whatever fit in the moment.

Over time, Ruari's Chosen coalesced into a tightly-knit group who demonstrated fanatical loyalty to the dragon and would often sacrifice large portions of their number in order to both maintain their secrecy and complete whatever missions they were given. They did not have a permanent base of operations, as this was seen as a potential vulnerability, nor did they have a way of contacting Ruari themselves. This meant there were often times when they would receive their mission without actually meeting their patron.

When Ruari Auricama had reached the end of his life, he gave these servants an important task: to safeguard the Blood of the Dragon. The instructions were to place it into an ancient and forgotten temple to Pelaris, along with sufficient safeguards to stop all but the most resourceful and cunning from reaching it and retrieving it. Once retrieved, the Chosen were to serve the bearer until death. Currently, the group serves the surviving heir of Ruari and is on assignment abroad in Myrisia. Little is known about their mission, or what exactly they were told to do.


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Aug 11, 2024 03:21 by Marjorie Ariel

I like the details of the two names, and how Ruari would use whichever suited him in the moment.