Tarouga, the Free Port

For Where Anything Goes

"Welcome to Tarouga, where anything goes, for a a price in coin and dignity. But you can always make more coin, and does dignity matter if nobody finds out? Leave your worries behind, and enjoy your leave... by your leave, of course."
— Julian Canton, Tarougan Dockmaster
  If a ship sails southeast from Eva Oceana, in about two days the island town of Tarouta. During the Age of Bloody Seas it served as a pirate haven, a place to resupply and gather crew. More recently, it has been cleaned up just a little bit. It is no longer home to pirates alone, but it exists outside both Imperial and Myrisian jurisdictions. Because of this only local laws apply, and because there is no true lord or government of Tarouta there are close to no written laws. While it is no longer a haven for pirates, it still remains a favored place to drop off the face of the world for a while.

Operating outside the sphere of influence of greater powers on the mainland means there are many things available here which might be illegal elsewhere. Smugglers land in Tarouga quite often to sell goods which would draw unwanted attention on the mainland, and usually at a smaller markup than in frontier lands. The taverns and alehouses have an interesting variety of offerings, though it changes without warning based on what is brought in on arriving ships. A number of buildings are set aside for "houses of leisure" as they're called on the mainland. These establishments collectively cater to nearly every vice which can be conceived, and the remote location of Tarouga makes it unlikely for someone to have news get back to anyone they know. Because of this, a saying among sailors has become quite popular - "on Tarouga, everything is available and nothing outside matters".


"Look, we run the place the way we like it run. Treat people nice, get treated nice. Treat them poorly... well nobody's died yet. Just saying.
— Laura Vandorn, Tarougan Resident
  The town does not have central government, residents largely trying to take care of matters themselves as necessity arises. Dock repairs are done by a few people living by the docks, and they charge small fees for being allowed to use the docks being maintained by them. It is not advised to refuse to pay, and this holds true for other services which can be found within the town. While there are no guards or authorities, there are more residents than visitors. It is relatively simple to find an offender and "impress upon them the importance of paying one's debts".

Most matters are handled between individuals privately, which is to say there is often a brawl or duel going on somewhere in the city. As long as these are consensual then few care to intervene, and may even place bets on the outcome. The history of Tarouga and this unusual atmosphere leads many to believe the town is a lawless place where one may be killed just for sport. However, the town is not strictly lawless, as there is a three-sided obelisk bearing three laws in the central square. These three laws are simple, and etched in archaic runes. Residents do not hesitate to enforce these, organizing as a group if it becomes necessary.
  1. Take nothing which is not your own.
  2. Touch nobody without permission.
  3. Do not molest the birds.
Each law has some latitude over how it is applied, and usually there is a few chances given to strangers before the mob is organized to enact justice. However, breaking the third law will quickly bring as many townspeople as can be mobilized to hunt down the perpetrator. Residents are focused on making sure there is no reason for any major power from the mainland to show up and enforce their own laws.

Inhabitant Demonym
Related Tradition (Primary)


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