The Book of Stars

"There are infinite stars in the night sky, and some of them are not visible except to those who know where to look. Woe to those who do, however. Once you have seen them, you also have been seen. And They do not appreciate us mere mortals."
— Excerpt from "The Book of Stars", Vol. I
  A couple decades ago, a curious scholarly work began to enter circulation within the greater 'community' of wielders of arcane magic. It was initially by "Salustras, Sage of the Starry Void" in Myrisian, but five years ago it was translated by Imperial scholars. The contents of the book resemble a standard grimoire, but while it is laying out research results it fails to describe how the information was obtained. The initial volume spends time explaining there are "entities" living outside Erisdaire in the night sky, and begins naming them in the following volumes. None of these entities correspond to known deities, though cross-references have turned up passing mentions of them in older arcane works. The book, however, presents all this information as recently gathered and tested.

Those who have read both versions of the book have reported the Myrisian versions are different in some fashion, though they cannot quite explain how. Readers also insisted there was a vague sense of "being watched" when outside at night, a feeling which faded over several weeks. A small section of scholars have worked at investigating the writing and trying to replicate the research, and the results have reportedly been "illuminating". Such efforts have not been made public yet but have been said to have promising potential.

"I assure you I did not write this book, and I have no explanation for why it is in my handwriting. Has anyone actually tried to find the original, instead of a copy? I have been trying for the better part of a decade and gotten nowhere."
— Salustras, Sage of the White Tower


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