The Supremacy of Dragons

"Open your eyes and broaden your senses. The truth is stranger than you might think, and our masters are not nearly as lofty as gods beyond the world. They are living things, powerful and inscrutable, who pull the strings as though it was a childrens' show! Should we dance for their amusement still, or should we cut our strings?"
  Across much of Erisdaire, the existence of dragons remains something commonly believed to be a matter of the past. The idea there are still flying creatures of formidable physical and mental power, who also are able to make complex plans, is a frightening prospect to confront. Those who do believe dragons are not gone also are prone to believing "they" are still actively shaping the world through their influence. After all, there exists magic which can change one's shape or conceal their true appearance behind illusions. It should be simple for creatures of unimaginable age and power, shouldn't it?

These thoughts in particular gave rise to an idea which permeates a significant portion of Erisdaire's inhabitants, that dragons who remain alive are actively pulling the strings of puppets ruling nations. Or even backing powerful organizations who help shape the world. A few of these people are scholars who proceeded to connect various unrelated facts to this idea and came up with a belief about how all nations from the Rhyliss Empire to the Myrisian magocracy are guided by ancient dragons who have hidden themselves thoroughly from discovery.

After all, why else has the Empire lasted for longer than many can remember? Why else has there not been a truly devastating war or cataclysm?

    A Grain of Truth
There are indeed dragons who are still alive and have seen previous eras. The golden dragon Ruari Auricama is believed to still be alive, and records suggest his life predates both the Rhyliss Empire and the current state of the elven people. There is also a dragon who serves as "advisor" to one of the Thrones of the Council in Gilvonnaie, amidst local rumors the dragon actually serves under an assumed identity. Finally, there was said to be a dragon who dwelled on the Fireshard Isles and made an agreement with the Sebilian Trading Partnership for them to begin mining ores and minerals from the volcanic islands. There are countless other dragons who live, hiding their lairs under layers of protection and obfuscation, and have an effect on the world around them. Whether they are actively guiding the entirety of Erisdaire or not is another question entirely... but not outside possibility.


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