Armbrek Durthane Character in Erithas | World Anvil
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Armbrek Durthane

Armbrek Durthane

Armbrek is a well trained soldier, formerly of the dwarvern kingdom's military. He left after discovering the lost god Iroas, God of Victory, and losing most of his company, and his brother, in a Drow ambush.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Stocky & Muscular

Facial Features

Thick braided beard

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Clan Durthane has a long and proud history of service as warriors within the dwarven military. From a young age, Armbrek trained in the ways of war, alongside his brother Zaghor. Together they joined the dwarvern military and ventured into the underdark where they rose in rank, expanding the dwarvern kingdom's influence. It was on one mission to the underdark that Armbrek and Zaghor's company stumbled upon an ancient temple to a pair of long forgotten gods. As they were inspecting the shrines, the company was ambushed by party of Drow.   The combat was fierce, and in the fray the Durthane brothers were split up. Armbrek and a small group of fellow soldiers withdrew into one of the temples. They lost sight of the rest of the company, but heard screams and the drow overcame their position.   Their backs against the wall, Armbrek heard a voice. A deep, powerful voice, emanating from all around him. He felt power deep inside himself gifted to him by the lost god Iroas, God of Victory. He healed his party members, and they managed to escape into the tunnels of the underdark.   Upon returning to the city, Armbrek was granted his request of leave, and was honourably discharged from his position. He determined to return the voice of Iroas to the world, and discover what had become of his brother.

Gender Identity



Straight (heterosexual)


Formerly Dwarvern Military

Accomplishments & Achievements

Discovered the god Iroas Granted divine powers by the found diety

Failures & Embarrassments

Forced to retreat during an ambush

Mental Trauma

Witnessed the loss of his company, and brother, to a Drow ambush

Personality Characteristics


I’m haunted by memories of war. I can’t get the images of violence out of my mind. I can stare down a hell hound without flinching.   Someone saved my life on the battlefield. To this day, I will never leave a friend behind.

Virtues & Personality perks

Greater Good. Our lot is to lay down our lives in defence of others. Liberty. The strong mustn’t exploit the weak.

Vices & Personality flaws

I have little respect for anyone who is not a proven warrior.


Family Ties

Parents Byllin (mother), Gulgram (father)   Siblings Zaghor (brother, lost in battle), Katlen (younger sister), Jynwyn (older sister), Galmir (baby brother)

Religious Views

Devotee of Iroas

Grim, former soldier.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Dark auburn
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4'4" (132 cm)
171 lb (77.5 kg)
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish

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