
The centaurs of Erlyse are a hearty, proud and dangerous race. They’ve been present for the entirety of the other civilized races histories and have numerous accounts of legends involving them. Currently, the Centaur are split into two major factions, which are typically composed of the two slightly minor subspecies of their kind: The Singoth and the Hinmara, which each have their own different traits and demeanor towards other denizens of the world. Both of these subspecies of Centaur technically have their own regions they reside in, and claim to be their own nations, despite the more advanced species seeming to ignore these borders and treat the Centaurs as citizens of the human or Altum nations instead.

Basic Information


Due to likely millennia of different lifestyles, the Singoth and Hinmara tribes of Centaur technically have different ecology from one another in a number of things.   Singoth:
  • Larger. Typically weighing 2,200 - 2,600 pounds and are around a Clydesdale or Belgian Draft horse in height at the horse’s torso shoulders.
  • Far more physically muscular and bulky.
  • Omnivorous, and have sharper teeth. Hunt large prey similar to humans, such as deer and oxen.
  • Grow manes of hair which work like cloaks for their human upper torso. Hairy arms.
  • Horse hooves.
  • Highly aggressive, domineering personalities, regardless of gender. Warfare is cherished, honored, and fun for them.
  • Smaller. Typically weighing 1,400 - 1,600 pounds and are around a Thoroughbred horse in height at the horse's torso shoulders.
  • More lithe and nimble.
  • Mostly herbivorous with minor omnivorous capacity. Can hunt small animals like squirrels and rabbits, but do so rarely.
  • Human torsos are relatively hairless save for hair on their heads.
  • Cloven hooves.
  • Friendly to the civilized races, but remain isolated. Only engage in warfare if attacked or they feel forced to in order to keep their lands. Have a range of personalities similar to humans, with less dominant types.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The Hinmara have three nations on Ourobos, known as Zunara, Maosti and La’atrem, while the Singoth of Ourobos simply revel in large tribes unless they live on the continent of Lehrmaste, where they fall under the domain of the more organized Tomian Empire. All of these nations are not officially recognized by the nations of humans or Altum, but are at least respected by the Nal'tua.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Regardless of subspecies, all Centaurs believe in one of three deities they have worshiped since before historical records began. Each have their own true religion and different beliefs that are taken in different paths by both the Hinmara and Singoth: Hiriboon (Worship of Kraste), Silikhi (Worship of Ophon), and Aistrat (Worship of Nitukhir).

Cover image: by Nychse


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