
(a.k.a. "Bardic Chaos")

A fairly eccentric, macho-minded Altum of a bovine variety, Kabas is one of the more well known adversaries of R.I.S.E.. Despite his renown and his unmistakable appearance and abilities, Kabas has managed to so far elude capture or elimination by agents or empowered folk alike in service to the guild. His is tall and quite bulky, showcasing a physical build that belies the more subtle and intricate natures of his powers. His intimidating size is enhanced by his decision to cover himself in ritualistic, tribal tattoos from his throat to his feet, with alternating sections where some of the patterns are filled in with various colors. To complete his menacing visage, Kabas has also gone to lengths to file down his teeth so his incisors are pointed and sharp.


Kabas has acquired the ability to lace elemental and cosmic forces into soundwaves. Any form of sound that originates from him or objects he manipulates, he can turn into a type of attack or other effect to subjugate his surroundings with. Pitch, tone, volume, tempo and how "aggressive" he makes the sound, will alter the resulting intended effect. Thus far, he has proven that the types of things he can do with this ability is exceptionally vast, since he has displayed the capacity to summon wildfires or extremely strong electrical storms, or even the ability to manipulate gravity, time or the very structural integrity of the physical realm. Because his powers rely on sound, Kabas has pursued the mastery of a variety of musical instruments and taught himself how to effectively use his own voice as a weapon, which has led to the moniker R.I.S.E. uses in reference to him.
Chaotic Evil
7' 0"

Cover image: by Acidify


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