
Souls on Erlyse wield a unique form of energy that does not travel with the soul when a being dies, which scholars have begun to title “tether force”. This energy remains in the world and can sometimes converge into a single entity that while technically “alive”, does not inhabit a true physical, or sometimes even logical form. Their existence through natural occurrences are exceptionally rare, but they are typically seen as severe threats when encountered, as there are not many practical methods in dealing with them. These entities often have sentience (especially if energy from a sapient being composes part of their structure), and usually harbor extreme malice towards the living, including animals and plant life. This is usually the sign of a phantom’s appearance, as the entity will continuously attempt to eradicate anything and everything it can around them, which will usually draw much attention to it. They are not easily taken care of however, and present a hefty challenge for the majority of even the empowered members of RISE.

Basic Information


The one thing that all Phantoms have in common is their status as "Undead", which they share with Rippleghasts, and in some way with Mimicthaan. However, every Phantom is unique in its own right when it comes to their physical appearance and abilities. If a sentient being comprises more than a certain part of the entity's composition, then their general appearance will adopt that individual's general structure, with obvious deviations caused by the amalgamation of other life force which construct its form. This is one of the two main reasons that make Phantoms difficult to deal with, even for empowered members of R.I.S.E., since each Phantom is so unique and their abilities can vary widely.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Phantoms are all able to sense the life force of living beings, and are more often than not attracted towards larger sources (which is the case with sentient life). This helps the more hostile Phantoms in finding targets that seemingly "appease" their wrathful natures.
Technically immortal, but longevity is determined by corruption of spirit and general karma of the area around them.
Average Height
Relative to the individual they resemble.
Average Weight

Cover image: Virtuoso of Requiem by Антонова Виктория (Victoria Antonova)


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