

Tick is an unusually pale Elf, appearing young to others of her kind. She is rough of speech, but charming, and caries a naval cutlass with the air of someone who can use it.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tick is tall and willowy, as are most elves, but there is something unhealthy-looking about their build.

Body Features

They has a distinctive and grisly scar running the width of their neck. Looking at it too long leads you to wonder how on earth they survived such a wound

Facial Features

They have the typical aquilline nose and pointed ears of most elves, but unusually deep-set eyes, and very pale skin and lips when they are not attempting to conceal it with makeup.

Identifying Characteristics

Beyond the scar on their neck, Tick is identifiable from their ghost-pale irises and a missing ring finger on their left hand

Physical quirks

Tick barely seems to emit any smell at all, and appears to have no body hair. They also seem to never trim their nails or require a haircut.

Apparel & Accessories

Tick is usually seen wearing practical leather armor, and is almost always carrying her plain but beautifully maintained and well-made naval cutlass. She is loath to part from the blade, and unwilling to loan it, even for inspection, though even she seems unsure why.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tick was travelling by sea as a young child, when the ship they were on was captured by pirates. They waited while their fellow prisoners were sold for ransom, acting as a servant ashore and at sea to the pirates, but no ransom came.

Around when they came of age, the pirates offered them a deal- help crew a raiding voyage as a deckhand and be allowed to join the band as a full member. They agreed, and the voyage was successful, but a group of prisoners who clearly were not worth a ransom were captured. The pirates ordered Tick to kill them, but they refused, at which point, the pirates cut her throat and threw her overboard.

Tick, however has little to no memory of this. They know that they remember the sensation of drowning, being unable to breathe, a strange voice offering them life, and washing up on a beach with a small pouch of gold tied around their neck, and a plain but finely wrought cutlass next to them, and the deep seated feeling that the blade is important.


Hodgepodge. Tick speaks in a commoner's accent, perhaps recognisable as coastal and will use seafaring slang, though she does not remember her time aboard. When speaking Elvish, however, she is almost transformed, and speaks a noble dialect.

Personality Characteristics


To find out who she was before awaking on the shore, and to understand the purpose of her blade.

Virtues & Personality perks

Tick has a great deal of perserverance. Helped by her seeming lack of fatigue and near-immunity to pain or discomfort, she is relentless in pursuing a goal.

Vices & Personality flaws

Often Tick can forget that others may have more to fear than she does. This can lead to a degree of recklessness, even with the lives of others.

Personality Quirks

Tick tends to be a carefree sort, after early on in her new life discovering that she does not seem to bleed, or feel pain in a significant way.

Tick is an Elf, with pallid skin, hair and unsettlingly white eyes. She has a distinctive and brutal scar across her neck. She dresses practically in leather armour and displays a naval cutlass prominently at her hip.

View Character Profile
Neutral good
Very pale
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

Daruhl Crossing

-Daruhl, Day 1: Set up in the Familliar Raven. Met Kira's arcanist, one Rivera Uwyn

The road to Daruhl

  • The Road, Day 3,
  • I continue to enjoy the company of this group, although I know we will not be short of excitement. Had to cross a destroyed bridge today. Don't think many of my colleagues would do well at sea if a river manages to nearly take us out! Met a poor injured traveller on the other side of the bridge, Yeol by name. Had an odd symbol on his back. Tosu (yes, really!) had a trick for reading, reckons it said something about "the scent of blood". Yeol seemed confused, and perhaps a bit simple, couldn't tell us much other than that he was attacked by a blue skinned Tiefling and some sort of knight. Doesn't sound like the ususal sort of bandits. Probably worth being wary.  
  • The Road, Day 3, Evening
  • I think I have an idea of why poor Yeol was attacked. Half way through the night watches, he bloody well turned into a giant bear and started taking swings at us. Tosu almost handled the ill-fated sod on his own. Hevedra wanted him spared, but, well, Tosu was a bit too quick with that fancy glaive of his.  
  • Daruhl Crossing,
  • Well, we found the knight that attacked Yeol. His name is Julianus and he works with the bloody church. Real stick in the mud type, didn't buy that we could put paid to a werebear on our own. Probably wasn't helped that Tamara got it into her head that this was real bloody dangerous and bolted. Too much time in the woods, that one. The rest of us got dragged back and put through the ringer, but those doccuments Jacob forged got us out. We're now into Daruhl, at least, but Tamara is going to be a real bloody problem.


  • Luerbost, Evening
  • Arrived at Luerbost. Not much of a town, but good to stay under a roof.  
  • Luerbost, Day 2
  • Did a job to clear out some nature spirits around an old obelisk that were attacking the miners. Something odd happened- a creature appeared, seemed to be some sort of animated corpse, like me? Regardless, it came after me specifically. I wonder if this is related to the strange man or is something else?   -Luerbost, Day 3, Met some hobgoblins, calling themselves the Iron Band, offering a job witch hunting. Will go see if this "witch" is actually a threat.  
  • Luerbost, Day 4,
  • The witch the "Iron Band" are hunting was lovely. Kirra Barkridge by name, and completely harmless. Offered us a much better payday dealing with the Iron band than they'd pay for her head. Also gave us the details of an arcanist in Daruhl. Had a look at the group's stuff. Showed me that I can make my cutlass into anything I really want. I knew it was important. Called that obelisk in the forest a "Fence post". Looks like we are heading in to Braenan, where the Inquisitors are from. Sounds like they are touchy about magic and such. Best keep a lid on things once we cross the border.  
  • Luerbost, Day 5,
  • Dealt with the iron band. Apparently they were mad at Kirra because she sold them some beads of fireball and one of them *ate* one. Found some neat armor, should keep me a bit safer. This crew really does tend to get in scrapes.  
  • Luerbost, Day 6,
  • Headed back to town after Kirra managed to speak in Hevedra's head. She seems powerful, worth keeping as an ally if we can. She gave us a letter introducing us to her Arcanist friend. Jacob continues to be a handy sort, forging a letter that should get us across the border in to Braenan.

    The Noxul Church

  • On the Road from Midrest:
  • Recovered now from the hasty exit from Midrest. On the road to Midrest. Oddest thing happened the other night; I slept. Haven't done that in a few years. Not even sure it was sleep per se. Had an interesting conversation while I was out- Man, oddly dressed, striped pants and jacket, and a strange neckerchief. Seems like they are linked to the whole not breathing thing, although were apparently surprised to see me still, well, un-living after the Fireball incident. I wonder what their agenda is?  
  • The Road to Daruhl Crossing
  • Talked our way out of a fight on the road, then saw an odd stranger with a remarkably large sword walk into, through and out of it, leaving the bandits in pieces. Picked up a map and decided to head to an old church on the way to Midrest.  
  • The Church, Evening
  • Church looks like one of those Keonin things. Full of old mechanisms and such. Met Sana, another traveler. Seems odd, but friendly. I'd like to get to know her. She cast our fates with the old Keonin Gods. I asked Thybris if I can trust the oddly dressed man in my dreams, and was read Weal. Sana warned me about being open about my... condition and told me praying to Thybris was reckless.  
  • The Church, Morning
  • Sana is an inquisitor. She was gone at dawn. We found a body, in the basement, tortured. Looks like that's where the bones she cast came from. I should be more careful who I trust in future.