Angharradh (An-huh-rah)

Goddess of Unity, Balance, and Marriage

  Angharradh, the Goddess of Unity, Balance, and Marriage, is a revered deity symbolizing the interconnectedness of various aspects of existence. They are depicted as a radiant figure with flowing hair that embodies the ethereal qualities of moonlight. Angharradh's appearance reflects their divine role in fostering unity, maintaining balance, and presiding over the sacred institution of marriage.  


Angharradh holds the sacred role of promoting unity, balance, and harmonious relationships. They embody the principles of interconnectedness and guide mortals to embrace the bonds that connect them with one another and the world. Angharradh's influence extends to various aspects of life, emphasizing the importance of unity, balance, and the sacred union of marriage.  

Unity and Marriage:

Angharradh teaches that unity can be found in the loving union of souls through the institution of marriage. They inspire mortals to seek harmonious relationships based on mutual respect, love, and understanding. Angharradh's blessings are sought by couples embarking on the journey of marriage, as they believe that the union of two souls in love creates a deeper sense of unity and balance.  

Marriage to Corellon

Angharradh's sacred marriage to Corellon , the God of the Tempest and Weather, represents a profound union of divine forces. Their union symbolizes the perfect balance between the tempestuous forces of nature and the unifying power of love and harmony. As partners in both love and divinity, Angharradh and Corellon epitomize the unity of opposites, demonstrating that even in the most turbulent storms, love can bring calm and balance. Their marriage serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for mortals, reminding them of the transformative power of love in bridging differences and fostering harmony. Together, Angharradh and Corellon form a divine couple whose union encompasses the boundless potential for unity, balance, and the unbreakable bond that can be found in the intertwining of two souls in love.

Balance and Interconnectedness:

Angharradh embodies the delicate balance between opposing forces and promotes harmony among diverse entities. They guide mortals to recognize the interconnectedness of all things and the importance of maintaining equilibrium. Angharradh encourages individuals to seek balance in their thoughts, actions, and relationships, fostering a harmonious existence within themselves and in their interactions with others.  

Protector of Love and Harmony:

Angharradh's domain includes the realm of love and harmonious relationships. They provide guidance and support to those seeking to cultivate healthy and fulfilling partnerships. Angharradh's followers honour the Goddess by nurturing love, fostering compassion, and promoting understanding in their relationships, contributing to a more harmonious society.  

Temples of Union:

Temples dedicated to Angharradh, known as Sanctuaries of Union, are sacred spaces where followers gather to honour the Goddess and celebrate the sacred bond of marriage. These sanctuaries are adorned with symbols of love, unity, and balance, creating an atmosphere of tranquillity and serenity. Within these temples, followers engage in rituals, prayers, and ceremonies to seek Angharradh's blessings upon their unions.   Angharradh, as the Goddess of Unity, Balance, and Marriage, teaches mortals the value of embracing unity, seeking balance, and honouring the sacred union of marriage. Their followers strive to cultivate harmonious relationships based on love, respect, and understanding. In the sanctified Sanctuaries of Union, devoted followers honour Angharradh, celebrate the bonds of love, and seek their blessings for a life filled with unity and balance.
Divine Classification
Minor God